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Immigration Jeopardy
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 77 times
The best time ever was JConn at 59 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Religious Persecution
Neil Diamond
Castle Garden
The Chinese Exclusion Act
The Isle of Tears
Angel Island
A Better Life
Potato Famine
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
The Statue of Liberty
Political Dissent
The Great American Gold Rush
'The New Colossus'
Ellis Island
In 1892, this island became the point of entry into New York for most European immigrants:
This symbol of American freedom was a git from France, and has the poem 'The New Colossus' marked on its pedestal:
A person who leaves one country to settle in another:
Ellis Island was given this nickname because of all those who wept inside it:
A person who moves from one part of the country to settle in another part:
These three words describe the main reason why people immigrate to America to this day:
This event, which began at Sutter's Mill in 1848, pulled many Chinese Immigrants to America:
Originally built as a fort, over 8 million immigrants were processed here before Ellis Island was built:
Immigrants crossing the Pacific from Asia were more likely to be processed on this island in the San Francisco Bay:
A person who comes to a new country to settle there:
A place where people work long hours for low pay and under poor conditions:
This famine killed one and one-half million Irish between 1845 and 1848:
The section of a ship with the worst accommodations for passengers paying the lowest fare:
This recording artist's song 'America' suggested that immigrants had great hopes for a better life in America:
Soon after a fire broke out at this location in 1911, laws were passed to make factory buildings safer:
Between 1880 and 1910, one third of all European Jews immigrated to America because of this type of persecution at home:
From 1882 until 1943, this 'Act' made it illegal for Chinese people to immigrate to the United States:
Another word for a piece of clothing:
An often overcrowded apartment house where many immigrants lived:
'I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' is the last line of this famous poem written by Emma Lazarus:
Paid by the piece of work done:
Many Polish Immigrants were pushed to America because they strongly disagreed with their government's policies and actions. This type of disagreement is known as:
A possession handed down through generations:
A building in which things are made by machines:
These ships replaced sailing ships, and significantly reduced the amount of time it took to cross the ocean:

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Here are all the answers:

A person who comes to a new country to settle there:Immigrant
The section of a ship with the worst accommodations for passengers paying the lowest fare:Steerage
A person who moves from one part of the country to settle in another part:Migrant
A possession handed down through generations:Heirloom
A person who leaves one country to settle in another:Emigrant
These ships replaced sailing ships, and significantly reduced the amount of time it took to cross the ocean: Steamships
In 1892, this island became the point of entry into New York for most European immigrants:Ellis Island
This symbol of American freedom was a git from France, and has the poem 'The New Colossus' marked on its pedestal:The Statue of Liberty
Immigrants crossing the Pacific from Asia were more likely to be processed on this island in the San Francisco Bay:Angel Island
Originally built as a fort, over 8 million immigrants were processed here before Ellis Island was built:Castle Garden
This famine killed one and one-half million Irish between 1845 and 1848:Potato Famine
This event, which began at Sutter's Mill in 1848, pulled many Chinese Immigrants to America:The Great American Gold Rush
These three words describe the main reason why people immigrate to America to this day:A Better Life
Between 1880 and 1910, one third of all European Jews immigrated to America because of this type of persecution at home:Religious Persecution
Many Polish Immigrants were pushed to America because they strongly disagreed with their government's policies and actions. This type of disagreement is known as:Political Dissent
An often overcrowded apartment house where many immigrants lived:Tenement
A place where people work long hours for low pay and under poor conditions:Sweatshop
A building in which things are made by machines:Factory
Paid by the piece of work done:Piecework
Another word for a piece of clothing:Garment
This recording artist's song 'America' suggested that immigrants had great hopes for a better life in America:Neil Diamond
Soon after a fire broke out at this location in 1911, laws were passed to make factory buildings safer:The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
'I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' is the last line of this famous poem written by Emma Lazarus:'The New Colossus'
Ellis Island was given this nickname because of all those who wept inside it:The Isle of Tears
From 1882 until 1943, this 'Act' made it illegal for Chinese people to immigrate to the United States:The Chinese Exclusion Act