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Cellular Respiration
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is kinetic energy?
What are carbon dioxide, ATP, NADH and FADH2?
What are ADP and P?
What is NADH, Carbon Dioxide and Acetyl CoA?
What is heat?
What are pyruvate, NADH and ATP?
What is the mitochondrial matrix?
What is carbon dioxide?
What is the cytosol?
What is water?
What is anaerobic?
What are NADH and FADH2?
What is oxygen?
What are lactic acid and alcoholic?
What is the inner membrane of the mitochondria?
What is ATP?
What is potential energy?
What is ATP?
What is acetyl CoA?
What are bonds between the phosphates?
What is bond enery or chemical energy?
What is a calorie?
What is ATP synthase?
What are phosphate groups?
What are alcohol and carbon dioxide?
This molecule is used by all living things for energy.
These are the products of the Krebs Cycle.
Form of potential energy found in molecules.
These are negatively charged.
Pyruvate is converted into this in the prep step.
The products of glycolysis.
Carriers of electrons.
Consists of adenine, ribose and phosphate groups.
Does not require oxygen.
Where glycolysis occurs.
These are broken to release potential energy.
Krebs Cycle occurs here.
Types of Fementation.
These are the parts needed to put ATP back together.
H ions diffuse through this to make ATP.
Stored Energy
The waste product of the Krebs Cycle.
These are the products of the prep step.
Products of alcohol fermentation.
Electron Transport Chain occurs here.
This is formed at the end of the electron transport chain.
The amount of energy required to raise one gram of water one degree celcius.
The final electron acceptor.
Type of energy that can't be used again.
Energy of Motion

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Here are all the answers:

Stored EnergyWhat is potential energy?
Energy of MotionWhat is kinetic energy?
Type of energy that can't be used again.What is heat?
Form of potential energy found in molecules.What is bond enery or chemical energy?
The amount of energy required to raise one gram of water one degree celcius.What is a calorie?
Consists of adenine, ribose and phosphate groups.What is ATP?
These are negatively charged.What are phosphate groups?
These are broken to release potential energy.What are bonds between the phosphates?
These are the parts needed to put ATP back together.What are ADP and P?
This molecule is used by all living things for energy.What is ATP?
Where glycolysis occurs.What is the cytosol?
The products of glycolysis.What are pyruvate, NADH and ATP?
Does not require oxygen.What is anaerobic?
Types of Fementation.What are lactic acid and alcoholic?
Products of alcohol fermentation.What are alcohol and carbon dioxide?
Krebs Cycle occurs here.What is the mitochondrial matrix?
Pyruvate is converted into this in the prep step.What is acetyl CoA?
These are the products of the prep step.What is NADH, Carbon Dioxide and Acetyl CoA?
These are the products of the Krebs Cycle.What are carbon dioxide, ATP, NADH and FADH2?
The waste product of the Krebs Cycle.What is carbon dioxide?
Electron Transport Chain occurs here.What is the inner membrane of the mitochondria?
The final electron acceptor.What is oxygen?
Carriers of electrons.What are NADH and FADH2?
This is formed at the end of the electron transport chain.What is water?
H ions diffuse through this to make ATP.What is ATP synthase?