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4th grade Test Prep
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Choose the most important nouns
Read a long word by breaking it into syllables.
'As big as a pumpkin' is a simile
Read the question first
My brother is like a big donut' is a simile
First, list the nouns
'His laughter is music to my ears' is a metaphor.
The synonym for the word 'directions' is 'instructions'
The nouns that are repeated are the most important.
'Her smile is like the sunshine' is a metaphor.
To show or demonstrate or point out.
Choose the first answer that looks right.
A syllable is a part of a word that has a vowel sound.
The synonym for 'effect' is 'result.'
The nouns are most important.
Find the answer in the text.
Write a sentence using those nouns.
The antonym for the word 'before' is 'after.'
'The new substitute teacher was a monster,' is a metaphor.
The antonym for 'cause' is 'effect.'
A prefix is a part of a word that we put at the beginning of the word to change its meaning a little bit.
Question words who, what, when, where or how.
You should read all the answers.
He grew a tomato as a big as a pumpkin. Is it a simile or a metaphor?
What do you do after you list the nouns?
The new substitute teacher was a monster! Is it a simile or a metaphor?
What is the best way to read a long word?
What are the syllables in the word 'little?'
What is the synonym for the word 'effect'?
What is the first step in making a summary?
What is the synonym for the word 'directions'?
What is the biggest mistake kids make when they answer the STAR?
What do you do after you have read the question?
What is the antonym for the word 'before'?
Which words are most important in making a summary?
What is a syllable?
Her smile is like the sunshine. Is it a simile or a metaphor?
What is the antonym for the word 'cause'?
What is a synonym for the word 'indicate'?
What do you do after you choose the most important nouns?
What is a prefix?
His laughter was music to my ears. Is it a simile or a metaphor?
What are the most important words in the question?
What are the syllables in the word 'information?'
How do you know which are the most important nouns?
My little brother so sticky he's like a big donut. Is it a simile or a metaphor?
What should you do after you think you know the answer?
What is the first step when reading a passage on the STAR test?

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

You did it!
You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

What is the first step when reading a passage on the STAR test?Read the question first
What do you do after you have read the question?Find the answer in the text.
What should you do after you think you know the answer?You should read all the answers.
What is the biggest mistake kids make when they answer the STAR?Choose the first answer that looks right.
What are the most important words in the question?Question words who, what, when, where or how.
What is the antonym for the word 'cause'?The antonym for 'cause' is 'effect.'
What is the synonym for the word 'effect'?The synonym for 'effect' is 'result.'
What is a synonym for the word 'indicate'?To show or demonstrate or point out.
What is the synonym for the word 'directions'?The synonym for the word 'directions' is 'instructions'
What is the antonym for the word 'before'?The antonym for the word 'before' is 'after.'
Which words are most important in making a summary?The nouns are most important.
What is the first step in making a summary?First, list the nouns
What do you do after you list the nouns?Choose the most important nouns
How do you know which are the most important nouns?The nouns that are repeated are the most important.
What do you do after you choose the most important nouns?Write a sentence using those nouns.
He grew a tomato as a big as a pumpkin. Is it a simile or a metaphor?'As big as a pumpkin' is a simile
Her smile is like the sunshine. Is it a simile or a metaphor?'Her smile is like the sunshine' is a metaphor.
The new substitute teacher was a monster! Is it a simile or a metaphor?'The new substitute teacher was a monster,' is a metaphor.
His laughter was music to my ears. Is it a simile or a metaphor?'His laughter is music to my ears' is a metaphor.
My little brother so sticky he's like a big donut. Is it a simile or a metaphor?My brother is like a big donut' is a simile
What is the best way to read a long word?Read a long word by breaking it into syllables.
What are the syllables in the word 'little?'lit-tle
What are the syllables in the word 'information?'in-for-ma-tion
What is a prefix?A prefix is a part of a word that we put at the beginning of the word to change its meaning a little bit.
What is a syllable?A syllable is a part of a word that has a vowel sound.