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Food Chains and Food Webs
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 9 times
The best time ever was Isaiah at 151 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is a primary consumer?
What are trees, plants, and grass?
What is a producer?
What are prey?
What is the whole thing?
What are decomposers?
What is a carnivore?
What is 'is eaten by' or 'is food for'?
What are predators?
What is an omnivore?
What are predators?
What is an herbivore?
What is a producer?
What is a consumer?
What are consumers?
What is a carnivore?
What are herbivores?
What is true?
What is a decomposer?
What is a food chain?
What is the food chain?
What is prey?
What is a secondary consumer?
What is a food web?
What is a parasite?
Animals that hunt down other animals for food are called this.
An animal that has flat teeth and eats only plants.
Wolves hunt, kill, and eat other animals. Wolves are _______________.
When one animal eats another animal or plant, they both become part of a ____________.
The arrow in a food chain means this.
Bacteria, moss, mushrooms, and fungi are examples of these.
A living thing that breaks down and feeds on the remains of non-living things.
A lion eats only meat. It has very sharp teeth. It is an example of this.
An organism that makes its own food using air, water, and sunlight. They are green plants.
Which part of the food chain is affected by one animal being taken out or becoming extinct?
Humans eat other animals and plants. That makes us ___________.
All food chains start with a ________________.
True or False - An animal can be both predator and prey.
A living thing that eats other living things to survive.
An animal or plant that lives in or on another living organism is this.
Animals that are hunted and become food for other animals are called this.
This kind of consumer eats the producer.
The path of energy that always starts with the sun that shows one organism eating another.
A great white shark is an example of this.
Give three examples of producers.
An animal that eats animals and plants is called this.
This kind of consumer eats something like a rabbit.
A zebra has to run from a pride of lions so it is not eaten. This makes a zebra _______________.
Two or more overlapping food chains is a _________________.
Deer and rabbits eat only green plants. They are examples of these.

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Here are all the answers:

The path of energy that always starts with the sun that shows one organism eating another.What is the food chain?
When one animal eats another animal or plant, they both become part of a ____________.What is a food chain?
Two or more overlapping food chains is a _________________.What is a food web?
The arrow in a food chain means this.What is 'is eaten by' or 'is food for'?
An animal or plant that lives in or on another living organism is this.What is a parasite?
An animal that has flat teeth and eats only plants.What is an herbivore?
A great white shark is an example of this.What is a carnivore?
Deer and rabbits eat only green plants. They are examples of these.What are herbivores?
A lion eats only meat. It has very sharp teeth. It is an example of this.What is a carnivore?
An animal that eats animals and plants is called this.What is an omnivore?
Animals that hunt down other animals for food are called this.What are predators?
Animals that are hunted and become food for other animals are called this.What are prey?
Wolves hunt, kill, and eat other animals. Wolves are _______________.What are predators?
A zebra has to run from a pride of lions so it is not eaten. This makes a zebra _______________.What is prey?
True or False - An animal can be both predator and prey.What is true?
An organism that makes its own food using air, water, and sunlight. They are green plants.What is a producer?
A living thing that eats other living things to survive.What is a consumer?
Humans eat other animals and plants. That makes us ___________.What are consumers?
A living thing that breaks down and feeds on the remains of non-living things.What is a decomposer?
Give three examples of producers.What are trees, plants, and grass?
All food chains start with a ________________.What is a producer?
Bacteria, moss, mushrooms, and fungi are examples of these.What are decomposers?
Which part of the food chain is affected by one animal being taken out or becoming extinct?What is the whole thing?
This kind of consumer eats the producer.What is a primary consumer?
This kind of consumer eats something like a rabbit.What is a secondary consumer?