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C and E Weathering and soil formation
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 3 times
The best time ever was Tatiana at 175 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is acid rain?
What are the 3 factors scientist use to classify soil types
What are the four major categories of products recycled?
What are the "three R's"?
What is contour plowing?
What is chemical weathering?
What are decomposers
What are the 3 ways people change land for use
What is humus?
What is land reclaimation?
What is soil?
What is loam?
What is hazardous waste?
What is water?
What is bedrock?
What is weathering?
What is oxidation?
What is the rate of weathering?
What is permeable?
What is plants?
What is hot and humid?
What is erosion?
What is mechanical/physical weathering?
What is abrasion?
What is oxygen?
This type of weathering changes the mineral makeup of the rock
The loose, weathered material on the Earth's surface is called
The movement of rock particles by wind, water, ice, or gravity
This depends on the type of rock and the climate
The process of restoring an area of land to a more natural, productive state
The process that breaks down rocks and other materials at Earth's surface
Agriculture, Development and Mining
The gas that causes rocks containing iron to rust is
This type of weathering physically breaks rock into smaller pieces
Glass, paper, metal and plastic
The area climate, plant type and soil composition
Rerduce, Reuse and Recycle are known as
The most important agent on chemical weathering is
The decaying organic material in the soil is called
The grinding away of rock by other rock particles carried by wind is
A material that contains air space that allows water to seep through is
These contribute to most of the organic remains in humus
This forms when pollutants combine with water vapor in the clouds
This practice involves plowing fields along the curves of a slope
Fungi, protists, bacteria, and worms are called
A rock at the surface that slowly turns reddish brown is an example of
This kind of soil is best for growing plants
Any material that can be harmful to human health or the environment is called
Chemical weathering occurs more quickly in this climate
The solid layer of rock beneath the soil

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Here are all the answers:

This practice involves plowing fields along the curves of a slopeWhat is contour plowing?
Fungi, protists, bacteria, and worms are calledWhat are decomposers
Any material that can be harmful to human health or the environment is called What is hazardous waste?
This type of weathering changes the mineral makeup of the rockWhat is chemical weathering?
Glass, paper, metal and plasticWhat are the four major categories of products recycled?
The loose, weathered material on the Earth's surface is calledWhat is soil?
The movement of rock particles by wind, water, ice, or gravityWhat is erosion?
The most important agent on chemical weathering isWhat is water?
This type of weathering physically breaks rock into smaller piecesWhat is mechanical/physical weathering?
These contribute to most of the organic remains in humusWhat is plants?
This depends on the type of rock and the climateWhat is the rate of weathering?
This kind of soil is best for growing plantsWhat is loam?
The gas that causes rocks containing iron to rust isWhat is oxygen?
Chemical weathering occurs more quickly in this climateWhat is hot and humid?
A rock at the surface that slowly turns reddish brown is an example ofWhat is oxidation?
The grinding away of rock by other rock particles carried by wind is What is abrasion?
A material that contains air space that allows water to seep through isWhat is permeable?
Rerduce, Reuse and Recycle are known asWhat are the "three R's"?
The process of restoring an area of land to a more natural, productive stateWhat is land reclaimation?
This forms when pollutants combine with water vapor in the cloudsWhat is acid rain?
The process that breaks down rocks and other materials at Earth's surfaceWhat is weathering?
The decaying organic material in the soil is calledWhat is humus?
The solid layer of rock beneath the soilWhat is bedrock?
The area climate, plant type and soil compositionWhat are the 3 factors scientist use to classify soil types
Agriculture, Development and MiningWhat are the 3 ways people change land for use