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Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 2 times
The best time ever was AUdrey at 178 seconds.
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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Pre read
cause and effect
highest and lowest numbers on a chart
4 minutes
both numbers do the same thing
A scientist's theory to the outcome of an experiment
General and Specific
1-2 minute
2 things that change in relation to each other
35 minutes
The ACT Reading Test
one number goes up, while the other goes down
point of change
spend more time reading
in graphs, charts, and the text
the first line of the passage
If they're for or against the theory
What should you look for in the data?
What are extreme points?
If there are two paragraphs, each about different scientists, what should you write next to them for your roadmap?
How many minutes do you have per passage?
The science test is most like what other test?
What is variation?
How is the info usually presented in the science passages?
Where is the theory usually stated?
When pre reading, you should ______ first then come back and read thoroughly.
What is the first step?
What is direct variation?
How many questions are there?
Data either supports or ________ the other scientists theory.
Most ACT questions test ____________________ thinking.
What is a hypothesis?
How long do you get to take the science part of the ACT?
What are 2 types of logic?
How long should you take to read the passage?
How many passages are there?
Scientist are interested in ______________________ relationships?
How long should you take to pre read?
What is the first thing you should do on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage?
What is inverse variation?
Make sure you know the unit of _________.
What is a critical point?

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

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You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

How long should you take to read the passage?4 minutes
How long do you get to take the science part of the ACT?35 minutes
How many passages are there?7
How many questions are there?40
How many minutes do you have per passage?5
What is the first step?Pre read
How long should you take to pre read?1-2 minute
How is the info usually presented in the science passages?in graphs, charts, and the text
When pre reading, you should ______ first then come back and read thoroughly.skim
The science test is most like what other test?The ACT Reading Test
What should you look for in the data?trends
What is the first thing you should do on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage?spend more time reading
Data either supports or ________ the other scientists theory.weakens
If there are two paragraphs, each about different scientists, what should you write next to them for your roadmap?If they're for or against the theory
Scientist are interested in ______________________ relationships?cause and effect
What is a hypothesis?A scientist's theory to the outcome of an experiment
What is inverse variation?one number goes up, while the other goes down
What is a critical point?point of change
What is variation?2 things that change in relation to each other
What are extreme points?highest and lowest numbers on a chart
Make sure you know the unit of _________. measurement
Where is the theory usually stated?the first line of the passage
Most ACT questions test ____________________ thinking.specific-to-general
What is direct variation?both numbers do the same thing
What are 2 types of logic?General and Specific