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World History Jeopardy Unit V Round II
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Arab Conflicts Part 1 Arab Conflicts Part 2 International Organizations Current World Issues World Leaders
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The Taliban seized control of which nation’s government in 1996, which harbored terrorists, Osama bin Laden, and al-Qaeda in the 2000s?
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The Taliban seized control of which nation’s government in 1996, which harbored terrorists, Osama bin Laden, and al-Qaeda in the 2000s?
Ever since Jewish Zionists declared the independent State of Israel on May 14, 1948, fighting between Jews and which other group has occurred?
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Ever since Jewish Zionists declared the independent State of Israel on May 14, 1948, fighting between Jews and which other group has occurred?
In which nation did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s reforms lead to the collapse of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s government and the establishment of an Islamic Republic?
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In which nation did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s reforms lead to the collapse of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s government and the establishment of an Islamic Republic?
During which conflict in 1967 did Israel launch airstrikes against its neighbors, tripling its territory and encompassing an additional one-million Arabs, mostly in the West Bank?
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During which conflict in 1967 did Israel launch airstrikes against its neighbors, tripling its territory and encompassing an additional one-million Arabs, mostly in the West Bank?
Six Day War
Which document reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights…”?
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Which document reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights…”?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What was the name for the revolutionary uprisings in 2010 that took place in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain?
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What was the name for the revolutionary uprisings in 2010 that took place in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain?
Arab Spring
Saddam Hussein, the leader of which nation, invaded neighboring Kuwait in 1990 to gain control of its oil fields?
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Saddam Hussein, the leader of which nation, invaded neighboring Kuwait in 1990 to gain control of its oil fields?
Which organization, formed in 1964, argued for an Arab state to be created out of Israel’s territory and has also launched numerous terrorist attacks against Israel over the years?
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Which organization, formed in 1964, argued for an Arab state to be created out of Israel’s territory and has also launched numerous terrorist attacks against Israel over the years?
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Which conflict occurred in Egypt in 1956 after Gamal Abdel Nasser took power?
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Which conflict occurred in Egypt in 1956 after Gamal Abdel Nasser took power?
Suez War
Which group of terrorists, driven by poverty and religious fundamentalism, has the goal of promoting their own visions of a pure Islamic society and ending Western influence?
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Which group of terrorists, driven by poverty and religious fundamentalism, has the goal of promoting their own visions of a pure Islamic society and ending Western influence?
Islamic Fundamentalists
Which international organization’s goal is to build a “world free of poverty” and provides grants, loans, and advice for economic development for developing countries?
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Which international organization’s goal is to build a “world free of poverty” and provides grants, loans, and advice for economic development for developing countries?
World Bank
What is the legislative branch of the United Nations?
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What is the legislative branch of the United Nations?
U.N. General Assembly
Which international organization arranges trade agreements, settles trade disputes, and deals with the rules of trade among nations?
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Which international organization arranges trade agreements, settles trade disputes, and deals with the rules of trade among nations?
World Trade Organization
Which international organization oversees the global financial system by watching exchange rates and offering assistance to developing nations?
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Which international organization oversees the global financial system by watching exchange rates and offering assistance to developing nations?
International Monetary Fund
What is the executive branch of the United Nations?
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What is the executive branch of the United Nations?
U.N. Secretariat & Secretary General
What is the process by which people and nations of the world have become more interdependent economically, politically, and socially?
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What is the process by which people and nations of the world have become more interdependent economically, politically, and socially?
Deforestation has contributed to conversion of semi-arid lands into deserts, known as what?
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Deforestation has contributed to conversion of semi-arid lands into deserts, known as what?
What revolution in agriculture included genetically engineered foods with the hopes that greater yields will help solve the world hunger crisis?
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What revolution in agriculture included genetically engineered foods with the hopes that greater yields will help solve the world hunger crisis?
What was invented in 1971 that paved the way for the personal computer?
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What was invented in 1971 that paved the way for the personal computer?
Private companies that have divisions in more than two countries and tie the economies of the nations of the world together in a global economy are called what?
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Private companies that have divisions in more than two countries and tie the economies of the nations of the world together in a global economy are called what?
Multinational Corporations
Which Liberal Party member became the Prime Minister of Canada in 2015?
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Which Liberal Party member became the Prime Minister of Canada in 2015?
Justin Trudeau
Who became chancellor of West Germany following World War II?
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Who became chancellor of West Germany following World War II?
Konrad Adenauer
Who became president of France following World War II, after establishing France’s Fifth Republic?
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Who became president of France following World War II, after establishing France’s Fifth Republic?
Charles de Gaulle
Who took control of the Communist Party in the U.S.S.R. following World War II?
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Who took control of the Communist Party in the U.S.S.R. following World War II?
Joseph Stalin
Who became the Prime Minister of Great Britain following World War II and helped change Great Britain into a welfare state?
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Who became the Prime Minister of Great Britain following World War II and helped change Great Britain into a welfare state?
Clement Attlee
(1) Which of the following U.S. presidents resigned after the Watergate Scandal in 1974?; (2) Which of the following U.S. presidents cut back on the American welfare state, reduced taxes, and developed a good working relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev?; (3) Which of the following U.S. presidents was impeached for lying under oath?; (4) Which of the following U.S. presidents was in power during the terrorist attacks of September, 11, 2001 and responded with a war against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan?; and (5) Who was the first African American president of the United States?
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(1) Which of the following U.S. presidents resigned after the Watergate Scandal in 1974?; (2) Which of the following U.S. presidents cut back on the American welfare state, reduced taxes, and developed a good working relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev?; (3) Which of the following U.S. presidents was impeached for lying under oath?; (4) Which of the following U.S. presidents was in power during the terrorist attacks of September, 11, 2001 and responded with a war against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan?; and (5) Who was the first African American president of the United States?
(1) Richard Nixon, (2) Ronald Reagan, (3) Bill Clinton, (4) George W. Bush, and (5) Barack Obama

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