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Psychology Semester 2 DSA Review
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Learning Disorders, 18.1-18.3 Disorders, 18.4-18.5 Group Conformity Miscellaneous
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What is a primary reinforcer?
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What is a primary reinforcer?
something that you are biologically predisposed to want – food, warmth, safety
Explain the difference between systematic desensitization and flooding and give one example of each.
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Explain the difference between systematic desensitization and flooding and give one example of each.
Both help overcome classically conditioned behaviors. Flooding is fast and shocking, systematic desensitization works the person into it slowly.
The Little Albert experiment helped to explain which two key concepts in the psychology of learning?
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The Little Albert experiment helped to explain which two key concepts in the psychology of learning?
classical conditioning, generalization
Give the US, UR, NS, CS, CR for Pavlov’s dogs classical conditioning experiment.
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Give the US, UR, NS, CS, CR for Pavlov’s dogs classical conditioning experiment.
unconditioned food = drooling, unconditioned response = drooling, neutral stimulus = bell, conditioned stimulus = bell, conditioned response = drooling
Which type of reinforcement schedule is most likely to permanently shape a behavior? Explain why.
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Which type of reinforcement schedule is most likely to permanently shape a behavior? Explain why.
variable ratio because someone has to do the behavior for an unknown amount of length of time and frequency to get the reinforcement, therefore making one prone to do the behavior all the time without stopping
The normality of a behavior is often determined by the degree to which it is average behavior of the majority of people. This is referred to as?
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The normality of a behavior is often determined by the degree to which it is average behavior of the majority of people. This is referred to as?
Explain why hoarding is technically a type of OCD.
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Explain why hoarding is technically a type of OCD.
hoarders become overly obsessed with the small details of objects and develop compulsions to not lose anything
Explain the example of conversion disorder we saw in class and the most logical psychological explanation for how the conversion disorder developed.
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Explain the example of conversion disorder we saw in class and the most logical psychological explanation for how the conversion disorder developed.
girls at the same high school got tics, caused by an index cause that one girl got and the other girls’ brains copied that idea.
How does the psychoanalytic and the biological perspectives explain anxiety?
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How does the psychoanalytic and the biological perspectives explain anxiety?
psychoanalytic: repressed urges make us feel dirty and uncomfortable, so we get anxious. Biological: anxiety is genetic, especially between identical twins
1. What is learned helplessness? 2. Which disorder is it most linked to? 3. How do we see examples of it in society?
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1. What is learned helplessness? 2. Which disorder is it most linked to? 3. How do we see examples of it in society?
learned helplessness is when you try repeatedly and fail so you stop even trying, linked to depression, people living in poverty often feel learned helplessness
What is a catatonic stupor?
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What is a catatonic stupor?
when a person with schizophrenia becomes immobile, expressionless and in a coma-like state
What are two symptoms of borderline personality disorder?
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What are two symptoms of borderline personality disorder?
impulsive actions, daily bi-polar like mood swings, self-harm, struggle maintaining relationships
What is the difference between obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
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What is the difference between obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
OCD people are aware and upset about it, OCPD think nothing is wrong. OCPD is more about organization and perfectionism and OCD is more about dangerous and illogical compulsions, like licking the floor
How is schizoid personality disorder different from schizophrenia?
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How is schizoid personality disorder different from schizophrenia?
In both cases the person does not form relationships with others and has atypical emotional reactions, but someone with schizophrenia has hallucinations and delusions. Someone with schizoid personality disorder is still in touch with reality
Give three different explanations for the causes of schizophrenia.
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Give three different explanations for the causes of schizophrenia.
psychoanalytic: the id is overwhelming the ego and regression back to the oral phase, learning: triggered by overly emotional parents or a destructive home life, biological: loss of synapses in the brain, born in the winter, complications during pregnancy
Explain how being in a group with people who think just like you increases your level of polarity.
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Explain how being in a group with people who think just like you increases your level of polarity.
as you discuss and act on your views, you want to fit in and so you become more and more passionate, you feed off each other
Offer two explicit norms and two implicit norms from Ms. Broyles’ classroom.
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Offer two explicit norms and two implicit norms from Ms. Broyles’ classroom.
answers vary. Implicit – be nice to each other, ok to eat, can be sassy. Explicit – put work in the bins, must make up missing work
Explain with detail two examples of group conformity behaviors that we saw in the movie Hotel Rwanda.
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Explain with detail two examples of group conformity behaviors that we saw in the movie Hotel Rwanda.
social loafing, diffusion of responsibility, bystander effect, evaluation apprehension, decision making schemes, risky shift, really everything in the chapter
Explain three ways why Milgram’s study is even MORE relevant today than in the 1960’s.
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Explain three ways why Milgram’s study is even MORE relevant today than in the 1960’s.
answers vary. Buffers, technology, authority, etc.
Explain FOUR perspectives for the causes of aggression.
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Explain FOUR perspectives for the causes of aggression.
psychoanalytic: have to repress, need catharsis, learning: observed, act, reinforced. Cognitive: you see the world as black and white, have to fight. Sociocultural: some cultures encourage aggression and forceful interactions. Biological: hormones like testosterone, evolutionary purposes, overactive hypothalamus
Define the fundamental attribution bias and the self-serving bias. Then explain how they are different from each other.
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Define the fundamental attribution bias and the self-serving bias. Then explain how they are different from each other.
see see others' failures as internal but ours are external, others' successes are external, ours are internal
Why are TV ads aimed at kids under 12 especially dangerous for their development?
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Why are TV ads aimed at kids under 12 especially dangerous for their development?
young kids can’t tell where the tv show ends and the ad starts, so they remain engrossed and learning from the ads
Explain two purposes that a taboo against necrophilia has for a society.
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Explain two purposes that a taboo against necrophilia has for a society.
sanitation, safety, saving reproduction for actually furthering the species
Explain a cultural limitation set upon cis-gender heterosexual men, cis-gender heterosexual women, and #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!# individuals in the country that you researched.
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Explain a cultural limitation set upon cis-gender heterosexual men, cis-gender heterosexual women, and #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!# individuals in the country that you researched.
(answers vary)
1. Define the primacy effect and the recent effect. 2. Give one real world example of each and 3. Explain why this matters.
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1. Define the primacy effect and the recent effect. 2. Give one real world example of each and 3. Explain why this matters.
primacy effect = we hold onto first impressions, recency effect = we hold onto our most recent interaction. first impressions matter, especially if you don't see the person often enough to change their impression of you!
Without notes! Name all of Helen's personalities.
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Without notes! Name all of Helen's personalities.
Alex, A five year old boy who loves shooting toy guns. William, A six year old boy who loves the Mr. Men. Adam, A lovable ten year old boy who is not allowed to play outside. Brenda, An outspoken, feisty 13 year old girl. Karl, A sixteen year old boy with an attitude and a temper. Jamie, Elizabeth

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