What is the past tense verb for begin?

What is the past tense verb for do?

What is the past tense verb for find?

What is the past tense verb for give?

What is the past tense verb for go?

The Earth (gives) a big shake.

Pictures on the wall (go) crooked.

The earthquake (takes) only a few seconds.

It (gives) us a little scare.

The earthquake (begins) in the morning.

That island (begun, began, begin) as a volcano.

We have (took, taken, take) a trip to the island.

Volcanoes (give, given, gived) warnings before they erupt.

The volcano has (gave, given, giving) a big blast.

People have (went, gone, going) far from the volcano.

We (see) ash come out of the volcano.

We (find) small volcanic rocks.

We (go) to the top of the mountain.

We (begin) to climb down the mountain.

The people nearby (go) away from the volcano.

We (do, did, done) a report on the earthquake.

The earthquake (begun, begin, began) early in the morning.

Fires had (gone, went, go) wild in the city.

The earthquake (taken, tooks, took) only a few seconds.

Lava has (runs, run, ran) into the ocean.