
Grammar #2 (unit 5-action verbs) Answer Key

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#1 What is the action verb in this sentence? Tom wrote a note to Stan. wrote
#2 What is the main verb in this sentence? I am studying an unusual alphabet. studying
#3 What is the helping verb in this sentence? Some alphabets have included pictures for words. have
#4 Which tense is the verb written in? Samuel will tell us about his invention. will tell-future
#5 What tense is the verb written in? This invention benefits many people. benefits-present
Subject/Verb Agreement
#1 This baker (make, makes) many cakes. makes
#2 The bakers (write, writes) messages in icing. write
#3 We (look, looks) at the cakes in the glass cases. look
#4 Ms. Taylor (ask, asks) for two cakes. asks
#5 Sue (check, checks) the messages. checks
Irregular Verbs
#1 I have (saw, seen) that television commercial. seen
#2 It (came, come) on at eight o'clock. came
#3 A clever writer (wrote, written) the script. wrote
#4 John has (went, gone) to the television studio. gone
#5 His father (drove, driven) him there. drove
Irregular Verbs #2
#1 I have (drew, drawn) a picture about littering. drawn
#2 My teacher has (make, made) my picture into a poster. made
#3 I (did, done) a very good job. did
#4 I have (bring, brought) the poster to the principal. brought
#5 She has (began, begun) to collect our posters. begun
#1 Eric what is your painting about? Eric, what is your painting about?
#2 Yes I understand now. Yes, I understand now.
#3 Reggie Sally and Gail are working on a mural. Reggie, Sally, and Gail are working on a mural.
#4 They are using green white and red paint. They are using green, white, and red paint.
#5 Jim drew painted and hung his picture. Jim drew, painted, and hung his picture.
Final Question
Mark I am looking for Sarah Emily and Harry. Mark, I am looking for Sarah, Emily, and Harry.