
Essentials of Music Theory Answer Key

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#1 How many lines are on a single staff? There are 5 lines.
#2 Which clef is also known as the G clef? The Treble Clef
#3 Which clef is also known as the F clef? The Bass Clef
#4 What is the line that goes through middle C called? It is called a Ledger line.
#5 What are the note names of the five lines in the treble clef from bottom to top? EG,B,D,F
#1 Music is divided into equal parts by_______________? Bar Lines
#2 How many beats are in each measure if the time signature contains a 4 as the top number? It gets 4 beats.
#3 What kind of line is written at the end of each piece of music? A Double Bar Line
#4 When notes are written on or above the 3rd line of the staff, stems extend upward or downward on the left side of the note head? They extend downward.
#5 The upper number of the time signature indicates how many__________are in each measure. Beats
#1 In 2/4 time, a whole rest receives how many beats? 2 Beats
#2 In 4/4 time, a dotted half note receives how many beats? 3 Beats
#3 Legato singing or playing means to play the music__________. Slow and smooth
#4 In 3/4 time, how many beats does a half note receive? 3 Beats
#5 In 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time, what kind of note receives one beat? Quarter Note
#1 Repeat signs are two dots before or after ____________ Double Bar
#2 Describe what Crescendos and Decrescendos mean Crescendo- means gradually louder and Decrescendo- means to gradually get softer.
#3 What does Allegro mean? It means quickly and cheerfully.
#4 What does Largo mean? A very slow tempo.
#5 When writing music, what do tempo marks tell? It tells how fast or slow the music should be played.
#1 An accidental is in effect for what measure? For that measure only
#2 What does a natural sign do to the previous sharp or flat. It cancels it
#3 What does the flat sign mean to do with the pitch? Lower the pitch.
#4 The note F is how many half steps above E? 2 Half steps
#5 What does the sharp sign mean to do with the pitch? Raise the pitch.
Final Question
What does Tenuto mean? Means to hold the note for its full value.