
Social Studies Chapter 4 Review Answer Key

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#1 Fairness Justice
#2 To share information Communicate
#3 A set of ideas a person has about a god or a group of gods Religion
#4 An addition to the constitution that names the rights and freedoms of all Americans Bill of Rights
#5 A system in which, when more than half of the people vote the same way, they get what they want. Majority Rule
#1 A person who is owned by another person and forced to work without pay. Slave
#2 Freedoms that all citizens of the United States have. Rights
#3 A person who hopes to be elected. Candidate
#4 The form of government the United States has, in which each adult citizen has the right to vote. Democracy
#5 The idea that citizens who did not vote for the winner still keep their rights. Minority Rights
#1 Created the Hull House Jane Adams
#2 A slave who helped other slaves escape to freedom. Harriet Tubman
#3 Was able to read by using her sense of touch. Helen Keller
#4 Organized rescue teams after the attack on New York City Joseph Curry
#5 A Baptist minister who won a Nobel Peace Price for trying to gain rights for all Americans Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
#1 I was the 3rd President of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson
#2 I helped over 300 people escape using the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman
#3 I was taught by Anne Sullivan. Helen Keller
#4 I gave a speech called, "I Have a Dream." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
#5 I worked hard for freedom of speech, religion, and the press Thomas Jefferson
#1 A brave or clever person who serves as an example Hero
#2 Rights of person freedom Civil Rights
#3 A drawing, with columns and rows, that is used to organize information. Table
#4 A time when citizens vote. Election
#5 A list of the choices in an election. Ballot
Final Question
Name 2 people that we discussed in this chapter and tell me what they did that was important. Thomas Jefferson, Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Joseph Curry