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Boston Massacre
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Outside of the State House
Served as the Prosecution
Private Montgomery
import tax on goods such as: Tea, Glass, Paper and other Products
Governor Hutchinson
March 5, 1770
The Lawyer for the Soldier
Edward Garrick
Colonist (American) and British
Snowballs, Sticks and Stones
King Street (known today as State Street)
Townshend Act
in 1768 the British sent troops to protect the customs commissioner, which caused the most clash
The first battle of the Revolutionary War
Governer Thomas Preston
Crispus Attucks
Private Hugh White
The soldiers narrowly escaped the death penalty through a legal loophole that exempted clergymen, including men with the ability to read or recite biblical passages, from secular courts, and their thumbs were branded with the letter “M”, for manslaughter, to prevent them from using the loophole again?
The colonist were Arm-less during the Boston Massacre?
What building did the Boston Massacre occur outside of?
What role did Samuel Quincy play in the Boston Massacre?
What actions by the British in 1768 caused conflict leading up to the Boston Massacre?
Who was the First soldier to fire his gun? (after being struck in the head with a rock)
What date did the Boston Massacre start on?
Who was the battle between?
Who was the first citizen to insult the crowd? He was struck; which in ranged the mob
Who was the Captain during the Boston Massacre?
What street did the Boston Massacre take place on?
Who was the first person to die in the Boston Massacre? and is considered "the first martyr" of American Independence
What state did the Boston Massacre occur in?
How many Civilians were killed following the Boston Massacre?
The Civilians throwing rock at the British deserved to be shot?
Name two of the things colonist threw at the British before Shots were fired? All beginning with "S"
The British passed the Intolerable Act in Response to the Boston Massacre?
At the start, How many Civilians gathered outside the State House on the night of March 5?
Captain Thomas Preston was found guilty of Murder?
What act were the Colonist upset about?
What role did John Adams play in the Boston Massacre?
Define the Townshend Act?
Who was the Governor during the time?
What do most historians consider the Boston Massacre?
Who was the Privates name standing guard outside of the State house?

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Here are all the answers:

What state did the Boston Massacre occur in?Massachusetts
What building did the Boston Massacre occur outside of?Outside of the State House
Who was the battle between?Colonist (American) and British
What street did the Boston Massacre take place on?King Street (known today as State Street)
What date did the Boston Massacre start on?March 5, 1770
How many Civilians were killed following the Boston Massacre?Five
Define the Townshend Act?import tax on goods such as: Tea, Glass, Paper and other Products
What role did John Adams play in the Boston Massacre?The Lawyer for the Soldier
What role did Samuel Quincy play in the Boston Massacre?Served as the Prosecution
What do most historians consider the Boston Massacre?The first battle of the Revolutionary War
What actions by the British in 1768 caused conflict leading up to the Boston Massacre?in 1768 the British sent troops to protect the customs commissioner, which caused the most clash
Who was the First soldier to fire his gun? (after being struck in the head with a rock)Private Montgomery
Name two of the things colonist threw at the British before Shots were fired? All beginning with "S"Snowballs, Sticks and Stones
At the start, How many Civilians gathered outside the State House on the night of March 5?Fifty
What act were the Colonist upset about?Townshend Act
Who was the Privates name standing guard outside of the State house?Private Hugh White
Who was the first citizen to insult the crowd? He was struck; which in ranged the mobEdward Garrick
Who was the Captain during the Boston Massacre?Governer Thomas Preston
Who was the Governor during the time?Governor Hutchinson
Who was the first person to die in the Boston Massacre? and is considered "the first martyr" of American Independence Crispus Attucks
The colonist were Arm-less during the Boston Massacre?True
Captain Thomas Preston was found guilty of Murder?False
The Civilians throwing rock at the British deserved to be shot?False
The British passed the Intolerable Act in Response to the Boston Massacre?True
The soldiers narrowly escaped the death penalty through a legal loophole that exempted clergymen, including men with the ability to read or recite biblical passages, from secular courts, and their thumbs were branded with the letter “M”, for manslaughter, to prevent them from using the loophole again?True