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STAAR 3rd Grade Reading Review
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 1 times
The best time ever was -1' at 1 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

animals/objects talk or act like people
Where and when the story takes place
Real, True Story
synonym-same, antonym-opposite
someone else is telling the story (they, him, her, she, you)
free verse-no rhyme, lyrical-feeling, narrative-story
a true story that someone writes about themelves
a comparison using like or as
group of lines that give a poem its form
Lesson or message author wants reader to remember
tells about a whole passage in a few sentences (beginning, middle, end)
b-word that a prefix or suffix is added to/p-word part added to beginning/s-word part added to end
a true story that someone writes about someone else
someone in the story is telling the story (I, my, we, us)
Fake, not real
person telling the story
what a text is mostly about
pictures, table of contents, graphs, charts, diagrams, captions, etc.
a picture
the narrator of the poem
repeating lines or phrases in a poem
words that have the same ending sound (bat, hat)
more than one word begins with same sound (big babies blowing bubbles)
the reason that the author wrote the passage (persuade, inform, entertain)
putting events in the order they happened (first, second, next, last)
What is an example of alliteration?
What are some examples of types of poems?
What is an illustration?
What is a base word? Prefix and Suffix?
Who is the speaker?
What is main idea?
What is a narrator?
What is an autobiography?
What does fiction mean?
What is the author's purpose?
What is a biography?
What is 3rd person?
What is 1st person?
What is nonfiction?
What are some text features?
What is a synonym? Antonym?
What is a rhyme?
What is a summary?
What is a sequence of events?
What is a simile?
What is a setting?
What is repetition?
What is a stanza?
What is personification?
What is a theme?

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

You did it!
You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

What does fiction mean?Fake, not real
What is a theme?Lesson or message author wants reader to remember
What is a setting?Where and when the story takes place
What is a summary?tells about a whole passage in a few sentences (beginning, middle, end)
What is a sequence of events?putting events in the order they happened (first, second, next, last)
What is nonfiction?Real, True Story
What is a biography?a true story that someone writes about someone else
What is an autobiography?a true story that someone writes about themelves
What is main idea?what a text is mostly about
What are some text features?pictures, table of contents, graphs, charts, diagrams, captions, etc.
What is a stanza?group of lines that give a poem its form
What is a rhyme?words that have the same ending sound (bat, hat)
What is a simile?a comparison using like or as
Who is the speaker?the narrator of the poem
What is personification?animals/objects talk or act like people
What is 1st person?someone in the story is telling the story (I, my, we, us)
What is 3rd person?someone else is telling the story (they, him, her, she, you)
What is the author's purpose?the reason that the author wrote the passage (persuade, inform, entertain)
What is a synonym? Antonym?synonym-same, antonym-opposite
What is a base word? Prefix and Suffix?b-word that a prefix or suffix is added to/p-word part added to beginning/s-word part added to end
What is a narrator?person telling the story
What is repetition?repeating lines or phrases in a poem
What is an illustration?a picture
What is an example of alliteration?more than one word begins with same sound (big babies blowing bubbles)
What are some examples of types of poems?free verse-no rhyme, lyrical-feeling, narrative-story