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Life Science Grade 2
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

1. Grow 2. Change/adapt 3. Reproduce 4. Use energy 5. Get rid of waste 6. Breathe
1. Keeps the plant in place -OR- 2. Collect water
Food Chain
Seed Coat
An animal that is a palnt eater is called an ______.
A darkling beetle has a ___ stage life cycle.
Name something all living things do.
When a seed begins to grow that is called ______.
An adaptation helps a living thing _______.
Plants can make their own ______.
An animal that hunts other animals is called a _____.
What is another name for a baby plant when it is inside the seed?
The outer pary of the seed that protects that baby plant is called the _____.
If a shark eats a smaller fish, the shark is the predator and the fish is the _____.
What is the first stage of an insect life cycle?
5. What word means the same as responding to change?
Plants need air, water, and ______ to grow.
Is water living or non-living?
Something that all living things do when they make more of their own kind.
A meal worm is in the ______ stage of it's life cycle.
Plants produce (make) ______ which we need to berathe.
What part of the plant takes in sunlight to help the plant make food?
What part holds up the plant?
In a food chain, all the animals _____ on each other. ( is NOT eat)
Most plants start off their life cycle as a _______.
This picture is an example of a ____ ____ .
What do roots do?
True or False: Plants are non-living
When an living thing changes or transforms into a different animal that is called ______.

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Here are all the answers:

What is the first stage of an insect life cycle?Egg
Most plants start off their life cycle as a _______. Seed
A darkling beetle has a ___ stage life cycle. 4
A meal worm is in the ______ stage of it's life cycle. Larva
When an living thing changes or transforms into a different animal that is called ______. Metamorphosis
True or False: Plants are non-living False
Plants can make their own ______. Food
Plants need air, water, and ______ to grow. Sunlight
What is another name for a baby plant when it is inside the seed? Embryo
When a seed begins to grow that is called ______. Germinating
The outer pary of the seed that protects that baby plant is called the _____. Seed Coat
What part holds up the plant? Stem
What do roots do?1. Keeps the plant in place -OR- 2. Collect water
What part of the plant takes in sunlight to help the plant make food? Leaves
Plants produce (make) ______ which we need to berathe. Oxygen
Is water living or non-living?Non-living
Something that all living things do when they make more of their own kind. Reproduce
Name something all living things do. 1. Grow 2. Change/adapt 3. Reproduce 4. Use energy 5. Get rid of waste 6. Breathe
An adaptation helps a living thing _______. Survive
5. What word means the same as responding to change? Adapt
An animal that hunts other animals is called a _____. Predator
If a shark eats a smaller fish, the shark is the predator and the fish is the _____. Prey
This picture is an example of a ____ ____ . Food Chain
An animal that is a palnt eater is called an ______. Herbivore
In a food chain, all the animals _____ on each other. ( is NOT eat) Depend