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AACA 7th Religion Morality Jeopardy
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What are venial sins?
What is a priest or missionary?
What is justification?
What is atheism?
What is temperance?
What is prudence?
What is seven?
What is Colombia?
What is the Magisterium?
What is Spain?
What are mortal sins?
What is fortitude?
What is "saint of the slaves?"
What are object, intention, and circumstances?
What is lust?
What is envy?
What is pride?
What is veneration?
What is celebrating the Eucharist?
What is wrath?
What are prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude
What is idolatry?
What is Saturday?
What is 17th century/1600s?
What are love, hope, faith
The total number of deadly sins.
This is the deadly sin with the belief that you are better than others.
This is the out of control desire to enjoy yourself, especially in sexual ways.
This is the most extreme way to break the first commandment.
List the 3 theological virtues
These are the three things to consider when we judge the morality of an act.
These are a category of less serious slns.
This is the intense ange that leads to us getting even to make things right.
This is the deadly sin where you have resentment against people who have more things, privileges, or success than you.
This is the cardinal virtue that means strength to overcome temptations to do wrong.
This is the cardinal virtue that means good judgement, exercised with caution.
This is the process by which God restores our broke relationships after we have sinned.
This is the primary way that we keep the third commandment.
This is what we call meditation on images as we pray.
This is the century in which St. Peter Claver did his work/died.
This is the name for the official teaching authority of the Church.
This is the cardinal virtue that means balance & self control
This was St. Peter Claver's nickname.
St. Peter Claver provided food to slaves in this country.
This is the country where St. Peter Claver was born.
This was St. Peter Claver's profession?
This is when we create false gods or make things like money, possessions, and popularity more important than God.
This is the day of the week of the Jewish Sabbath.
These are a category of serious sins.
List the 4 cardinal virtues

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Here are all the answers:

List the 4 cardinal virtuesWhat are prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude
List the 3 theological virtuesWhat are love, hope, faith
This is the cardinal virtue that means balance & self controlWhat is temperance?
This is the cardinal virtue that means strength to overcome temptations to do wrong.What is fortitude?
This is the cardinal virtue that means good judgement, exercised with caution.What is prudence?
These are a category of less serious slns.What are venial sins?
These are a category of serious sins.What are mortal sins?
This is the process by which God restores our broke relationships after we have sinned.What is justification?
This is the name for the official teaching authority of the Church.What is the Magisterium?
These are the three things to consider when we judge the morality of an act.What are object, intention, and circumstances?
The total number of deadly sins.What is seven?
This is the deadly sin with the belief that you are better than others.What is pride?
This is the deadly sin where you have resentment against people who have more things, privileges, or success than you.What is envy?
This is the out of control desire to enjoy yourself, especially in sexual ways.What is lust?
This is the intense ange that leads to us getting even to make things right.What is wrath?
This is what we call meditation on images as we pray.What is veneration?
This is when we create false gods or make things like money, possessions, and popularity more important than God.What is idolatry?
This is the most extreme way to break the first commandment.What is atheism?
This is the day of the week of the Jewish Sabbath.What is Saturday?
This is the primary way that we keep the third commandment.What is celebrating the Eucharist?
This was St. Peter Claver's profession?What is a priest or missionary?
This is the country where St. Peter Claver was born.What is Spain?
St. Peter Claver provided food to slaves in this country.What is Colombia?
This was St. Peter Claver's nickname.What is "saint of the slaves?"
This is the century in which St. Peter Claver did his work/died.What is 17th century/1600s?