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Structure of Matter
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

B. They move faster

Xenon and Fluorine

a. Decreases

Copper, Sulfur, and Oxygen

X = Gas

Y = Solid

Z = Liquid

Calcium and Chlorine

Carbon and Oxygen


Protons = positive

Electrons = negative

Neutrons = neutral (no charge)

a. protons, neutrons, and electrons

Near the speed of light


Temperature (energy) Changes


Protons and Neutrons

C. The melting of ice and evaportation of water

C. is mostly empty space

Less than 1%

B. an electron

Protons and electrons

They vibrate back and forth in one place.

Gas, Liquid, Solid

Electrons travel in 3D paths in the electron clouds.

Silver, Nitrogen, and Oxygen

Solid and liquid


How do the molecules of a solid move?

How fast do electrons move?

About how much mass is in the electron cloud?

What are the charges of the particles in an atom?

What are the elements in:


In which two phase changes involving water does the motion of water molecules INCREASE?

  1. the melting of ice and the condensation of water vapor
  2. the freezing of water and the evaporation of water
  3. the melting of ice and the evaporation of water

What two states of matter do not change volume?

What are the elements in:


Which particles determine an atoms charge?

What is the most common state of matter in the universe?

What are the elements in:


When a substance changes from a solid to liquid to gas, the molecular motion...

What kinds of particles make up an atom?

  1. protons, neutrons, and electrons
  2. elements, compounds, and molecules
  3. protons, nuclei, and electrons

List the states of matter in DECREASING molecular motion

What are the elements in:


When energy is taken away, molecular motion...

  1. decrease
  2. increases
  3. stays the same

What are the elements in:


The nucleus accounts for approximately what percentage of the total mass of an atom?

How is the path of electron on your models different from an actual atom?

What are the main particles in the nuclus of an atom?

What causes matter to change from one state to another?

Which part of an atom has the least mass?


  1. a proton
  2. an electron
  3. a neutron
  4. the nucleus

X, Y, and Z are either a solid, liquid, or gas.  Which one is which?


Particles move independently of each other

Particles vibrate about a fixed point Particles move past one another

The electron cloud surrounding the nucleus of an atom...

  1. contains most of the mass of the atom
  2. is enclosed by a solid shell
  3. is mostly empty space

Silver is a metal that can be melted to form jewelry.  As the silver melts, what happens to the atoms that make up the solid?

  1. they move closer together
  2. they move faster
  3. they move in circles

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Here are all the answers:


What kinds of particles make up an atom?

  1. protons, neutrons, and electrons
  2. elements, compounds, and molecules
  3. protons, nuclei, and electrons

a. protons, neutrons, and electrons

Which part of an atom has the least mass?


  1. a proton
  2. an electron
  3. a neutron
  4. the nucleus

B. an electron

What are the main particles in the nuclus of an atom?

Protons and Neutrons

The electron cloud surrounding the nucleus of an atom...

  1. contains most of the mass of the atom
  2. is enclosed by a solid shell
  3. is mostly empty space

C. is mostly empty space

What are the charges of the particles in an atom?

Protons = positive

Electrons = negative

Neutrons = neutral (no charge)

How is the path of electron on your models different from an actual atom?

Electrons travel in 3D paths in the electron clouds.

About how much mass is in the electron cloud?

Less than 1%

The nucleus accounts for approximately what percentage of the total mass of an atom?


Which particles determine an atoms charge?

Protons and electrons

How fast do electrons move?

Near the speed of light

How do the molecules of a solid move?

They vibrate back and forth in one place.

When energy is taken away, molecular motion...

  1. decrease
  2. increases
  3. stays the same

a. Decreases

Silver is a metal that can be melted to form jewelry.  As the silver melts, what happens to the atoms that make up the solid?

  1. they move closer together
  2. they move faster
  3. they move in circles

B. They move faster

When a substance changes from a solid to liquid to gas, the molecular motion...


What causes matter to change from one state to another?

Temperature (energy) Changes


List the states of matter in DECREASING molecular motion

Gas, Liquid, Solid

What two states of matter do not change volume?

Solid and liquid

What is the most common state of matter in the universe?


In which two phase changes involving water does the motion of water molecules INCREASE?

  1. the melting of ice and the condensation of water vapor
  2. the freezing of water and the evaporation of water
  3. the melting of ice and the evaporation of water

C. The melting of ice and evaportation of water

X, Y, and Z are either a solid, liquid, or gas.  Which one is which?


Particles move independently of each other

Particles vibrate about a fixed point Particles move past one another

X = Gas

Y = Solid

Z = Liquid

What are the elements in:


Carbon and Oxygen

What are the elements in:


Xenon and Fluorine

What are the elements in:


Calcium and Chlorine

What are the elements in:


Silver, Nitrogen, and Oxygen

What are the elements in:


Copper, Sulfur, and Oxygen