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Science Chapter 8 Review
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played times
The best time ever was at seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

The knowledge, process, and products that solve problems and make work easier.
1 - solve problems 2 - make work easier
Internet, encyclopedias, informational books, and interviewing experts
1 - time 2 - cost 3 - safety
Cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, motorcycles, boats, ships
Test the Prototype
They move people and goods from place to place; technology of transportation
Safer, faster, and can carry more people
Identify the problem
Go through the design process again
Tables and Graphs
Do Research
Slower, has a boiler that might explode due to the sudden release of steam
Keeps food cold, fresh, and from spoiling
Math and Science
Design and construct a prototype
design process
1 - Identify the Problem, 2 - Do Research, 3 - Develop Possible Solutions, 4 - Choose one Solution, 5 - Design & Construct a Prototype, 6 - Test the Prototype, 7 - Communicate Results, 8 - Evaluate and Redesign
GPS - Global Positioning System (helps with directions)
GPS, rear-view camera, car mirrors, sound/computerized voices signaling that someone or something is there
A car has many different and new technologies built into it. What helps improve a car's safety?
What two things does technology help us do?
In which step should you talk to other inventors and read about the experiments of other inventors?
What is technology?
What are the three factors you must consider when choosing one solution?
In the research process, what four things do you use to do research?
How would a scientist communicate their results?
What is a fully working product that uses a design process called?
What sends location data from satellites orbiting Earth called?
What example of transportation technology allows us to get to far away places quickly?
What step is after 'Choose one Solution?'
After you build a prototype, what step is next?
What are the 8 steps of the design process?
What example of transportation technology does the school use for field trips?
What technology heats food and drinks in seconds?
What are some advantages of electric, diesel, and magnetic levitation trains?
Technology of a refrigerator helps us do what?
What is the first step in the design process?
What is the set of steps for developing products and processes that solve problems called?
On the final step of the design process, you may need to redesign your product and do what else?
What are some disadvantages of steam trains?
What are some examples of transportation technology?
When you develop possible solutions, what two school subjects will help you?
Satellites orbiting Earth help send data to a what?
What do all trains have in common?

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

You did it!
You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

What is technology?The knowledge, process, and products that solve problems and make work easier.
What is the set of steps for developing products and processes that solve problems called?design process
What is a fully working product that uses a design process called?prototype
What sends location data from satellites orbiting Earth called?GPS - Global Positioning System (helps with directions)
What two things does technology help us do?1 - solve problems 2 - make work easier
What is the first step in the design process?Identify the problem
What are the three factors you must consider when choosing one solution?1 - time 2 - cost 3 - safety
What step is after 'Choose one Solution?'Design and construct a prototype
When you develop possible solutions, what two school subjects will help you?Math and Science
How would a scientist communicate their results?Tables and Graphs
In which step should you talk to other inventors and read about the experiments of other inventors?Do Research
After you build a prototype, what step is next?Test the Prototype
In the research process, what four things do you use to do research?Internet, encyclopedias, informational books, and interviewing experts
On the final step of the design process, you may need to redesign your product and do what else?Go through the design process again
What are the 8 steps of the design process?1 - Identify the Problem, 2 - Do Research, 3 - Develop Possible Solutions, 4 - Choose one Solution, 5 - Design & Construct a Prototype, 6 - Test the Prototype, 7 - Communicate Results, 8 - Evaluate and Redesign
What are some advantages of electric, diesel, and magnetic levitation trains?Safer, faster, and can carry more people
What are some disadvantages of steam trains?Slower, has a boiler that might explode due to the sudden release of steam
What do all trains have in common?They move people and goods from place to place; technology of transportation
Satellites orbiting Earth help send data to a what?GPS
What are some examples of transportation technology?Cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, motorcycles, boats, ships
What example of transportation technology does the school use for field trips?Buses
What example of transportation technology allows us to get to far away places quickly?Airplanes
Technology of a refrigerator helps us do what?Keeps food cold, fresh, and from spoiling
What technology heats food and drinks in seconds?Microwave
A car has many different and new technologies built into it. What helps improve a car's safety?GPS, rear-view camera, car mirrors, sound/computerized voices signaling that someone or something is there