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Unit 5 Test
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 6 times
The best time ever was Ethan B at 115 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is 1917?

What is The Jungle?

What is the Treaty of Versallies?

What is the Selective Service Act?

What is an initiative?

What is Puerto Rico?

What is the Seventeenth Amendment?

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?

Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?

What is the Boxer Rebellion?

What is Wilson's Fourteen Point Plan?

What is Mexico?

What is the British naval blockade?

What is a recall?

Who were prohibitionists?

What is the convoy system?

What is Spain?

What is a referendum?

What is the Sixteenth Amendment?

What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

What is the Panama Canal?

What is the Nineteenth Amendment?

What is the Clayton Anti-trust Act?

What are muckrakers?

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?

A book that uncovered major problems in Chicago's meat packing industry.

The law that requires truthful labels.

In the year 1900, an international military force brought an end to this event.

The country where Woodrow Wilson would apply Missionary Diplomacy.

Theodore Roosevelt supported a revolution against the Columbian government so that this could be built.

This gave Congress the right to enact an income tax.

This would provide women the right to vote in federal elections.

America declared war on Germany in this year.

In 1898, the United States went to war with this European nation.

When the people vote to remove an elected official from office before the completion of their term.

This organization's primary goal was equality among the races. (No acronym accepted)

This person believed that not all monopolies were bad, but those that were harmful to the public interest needed breaking up.

A bill that is written by the people, not legislators.

Authors and/or journalists who wrote about problems in society.

The United States relied on these during World War I to protect American ships.

Because of this, Germany experienced widespread starvation during World War I.

Supported by Woodrow Wilson, this act made it illegal for corporations to buy the stocks of their competitors.

This change allowed for the direct election of Senators by the people.

The treaty that ended World War I in Europe.

This group aimed to eliminate the use of alcohol in society.

This man would fight with the United States in the Philippines and would later fight for independence from the United States.

When people vote on a bill proposed by the people, it is called this.

In 1917, the residents of this location became citizens of the United States.

Men were required to reister for the draft because of this act passed by Congress.

At the end of World War I, Wilson would lobby for the countries of Europe to approve this.

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What is your name?

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You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:


Authors and/or journalists who wrote about problems in society.

What are muckrakers?

A bill that is written by the people, not legislators.

What is an initiative?

When the people vote to remove an elected official from office before the completion of their term.

What is a recall?

A book that uncovered major problems in Chicago's meat packing industry.

What is The Jungle?

The law that requires truthful labels.

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?

This organization's primary goal was equality among the races. (No acronym accepted)

What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

This person believed that not all monopolies were bad, but those that were harmful to the public interest needed breaking up.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?

Supported by Woodrow Wilson, this act made it illegal for corporations to buy the stocks of their competitors.

What is the Clayton Anti-trust Act?

This group aimed to eliminate the use of alcohol in society.

Who were prohibitionists?

When people vote on a bill proposed by the people, it is called this.

What is a referendum?

In 1898, the United States went to war with this European nation.

What is Spain?

In 1917, the residents of this location became citizens of the United States.

What is Puerto Rico?

Theodore Roosevelt supported a revolution against the Columbian government so that this could be built.

What is the Panama Canal?

This man would fight with the United States in the Philippines and would later fight for independence from the United States.

Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?

In the year 1900, an international military force brought an end to this event.

What is the Boxer Rebellion?

America declared war on Germany in this year.

What is 1917?

The United States relied on these during World War I to protect American ships.

What is the convoy system?

Men were required to reister for the draft because of this act passed by Congress.

What is the Selective Service Act?

Because of this, Germany experienced widespread starvation during World War I.

What is the British naval blockade?

At the end of World War I, Wilson would lobby for the countries of Europe to approve this.

What is Wilson's Fourteen Point Plan?

The treaty that ended World War I in Europe.

What is the Treaty of Versallies?

The country where Woodrow Wilson would apply Missionary Diplomacy.

What is Mexico?

This would provide women the right to vote in federal elections.

What is the Nineteenth Amendment?

This gave Congress the right to enact an income tax.

What is the Sixteenth Amendment?

This change allowed for the direct election of Senators by the people.

What is the Seventeenth Amendment?