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Social Studies Chapter 13 Review
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Pearl Harbor
San Diego, CA
logging and fishing
international trade
Mexico and the United States
Alaska & Hawaii
Salt Lake City, UT
canoes, blankets(chilkat), copper tools, ornaments, baskets, seal oil
ghost town
John Sutter and James Marshall
California and other territories
Los Angeles, CA
sugar cane, pineapples, coffee
Juan Rodriguez Carbarillo
United States won, Mexico lost
furs, gold, oil
San Francisco, CA
totem poles
Seattle, WA
boom town
Gold Rush
What do we call prospectors who got to California in 1849?
Name 2 goods that the Tlingit used to trade for other goods?
What is movement of people to an area where gold was found?
What are people who search for valuables?
Name a resource that can be found in Alaska.
Name the 2 people that were the first to find gold in the West.
After the war, Mexico was forced to give up what?
Who won and who lost the war in 1848?
Name the city where movies and television shows are made.
What is a feast held to celebrate important events?
Name the city known for the valuable natural resources of salt, copper, lead, and silver.
What is trade between 2 countries?
What is a town that has been deserted?
Name the city where Junipero Serra built a mission in 1769.
In 1959, what were the last 2 territories to be admitted as states?
What is a fast-growing town where gold or silver has been found?
Today, the Tlingit make a living by doing what?
Name the town in which most "forty-niners" passed through looking for gold.
Who was probably one of the first Europeans to see the coast of what is now California?
Name the city known for computer software companies and manufacturers of ships.
Name a resource that Hawaii is known for producing.
What is the name of the Native Americans who live along the southern coast of Alaska and the northern coast of British Columbia, Canada?
Name the military base located in Hawaii.
In 1848, a war, due to both sides wanting to claim land in the west, started between who?
What are tall posts carved with images of people or animals?

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Here are all the answers:

What is trade between 2 countries?international trade
What is a town that has been deserted?ghost town
What are tall posts carved with images of people or animals?totem poles
What is movement of people to an area where gold was found?Gold Rush
What is a feast held to celebrate important events?potlatch
What are people who search for valuables?prospectors
What is a fast-growing town where gold or silver has been found?boom town
What is the name of the Native Americans who live along the southern coast of Alaska and the northern coast of British Columbia, Canada?Tlingit
What do we call prospectors who got to California in 1849?Forty-niners
Name the military base located in Hawaii.Pearl Harbor
Name the city where movies and television shows are made.Los Angeles, CA
Name the city where Junipero Serra built a mission in 1769.San Diego, CA
Name the city known for computer software companies and manufacturers of ships.Seattle, WA
Name the town in which most "forty-niners" passed through looking for gold.San Francisco, CA
Name the city known for the valuable natural resources of salt, copper, lead, and silver.Salt Lake City, UT
Name 2 goods that the Tlingit used to trade for other goods?canoes, blankets(chilkat), copper tools, ornaments, baskets, seal oil
Today, the Tlingit make a living by doing what?logging and fishing
Name the 2 people that were the first to find gold in the West.John Sutter and James Marshall
In 1959, what were the last 2 territories to be admitted as states?Alaska & Hawaii
Who was probably one of the first Europeans to see the coast of what is now California?Juan Rodriguez Carbarillo
Name a resource that can be found in Alaska.furs, gold, oil
In 1848, a war, due to both sides wanting to claim land in the west, started between who?Mexico and the United States
Who won and who lost the war in 1848?United States won, Mexico lost
After the war, Mexico was forced to give up what?California and other territories
Name a resource that Hawaii is known for producing.sugar cane, pineapples, coffee