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Science Chapter 1
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Physical properties
conductors of electricity and heat, can be shaped into sheets, can be shaped into sheets or wire, solids, have gray color, can reflect light, shiny
Liquid and Gas
Physical changes may happen more or less easily depending on temperature. Example: Butter is easier to spread when it is warm.
Cut it into pieces, peel the skin, etc.
Particles move faster as the temperature rises, they can rearrange themselves into new substances quickly.
Chemical Change
when different materials are placed together but each material keeps it's own properties(can be separated)
You bake a cake with it
The atoms are connected differently
The particles are packed closely together, they do not move, just vibrate
Atomic Theory
Answers will vary. Example: Cheerios, strain the cereal from the milk
The medicine in the bottle may change if it is heated.
Anthing that has mass and takes up space
Physical Change
Solid, liquid, and gas
A balance
Use a magnet to separate the paper clips. Use a strainer to separate the cheerios and milk.
What are the three states of matter?
How does temperature effect chemical changes?
Why do you think medicine often says "Store in a cool, dry place"?
When a gas becomes a liquid it is called...
What tool is used to measure mass?
What is the measure of the average amount of motion in particles of matter called?
When a liquid becomes a gas it is called...
How could you cause a chemical change to sugar?
What are some properties of metal?
What type of change is when one or more types of matter change into matter with different properties?
Are color and texture examples of physical or chemical properties?
How could you cause a physical change to an apple?
What is one mixture you can eat? How can you separate the parts?
These states of matter take the shape of the container they are in.
How do the molecules in an ice cube move?
Iced Tea powder mixed with water is an example of a...
How would you separate a mixture of paper clips, cheerios, and milk.
Diamonds and graphite are both made of carbon atoms, why do they have different properties?
In a solution, the substance that dissolves is called the...
How does temperature effect physical changes?
When a solid becomes a liquid it is called...
Mixtures are...
What is matter?
What is a change in property that does not form a different kind of matter?
What is the theory "everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms" called?

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What is your name?

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You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

What is matter?Anthing that has mass and takes up space
What are some properties of metal?conductors of electricity and heat, can be shaped into sheets, can be shaped into sheets or wire, solids, have gray color, can reflect light, shiny
What is the theory "everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms" called?Atomic Theory
How do the molecules in an ice cube move?The particles are packed closely together, they do not move, just vibrate
Diamonds and graphite are both made of carbon atoms, why do they have different properties?The atoms are connected differently
Are color and texture examples of physical or chemical properties?Physical properties
What tool is used to measure mass?A balance
What is the measure of the average amount of motion in particles of matter called?Temperature
How could you cause a physical change to an apple?Cut it into pieces, peel the skin, etc.
How could you cause a chemical change to sugar?You bake a cake with it
What are the three states of matter?Solid, liquid, and gas
When a solid becomes a liquid it is called...Melting
When a liquid becomes a gas it is called...Evaporation
When a gas becomes a liquid it is called...Condensation
These states of matter take the shape of the container they are in.Liquid and Gas
Mixtures are...when different materials are placed together but each material keeps it's own properties(can be separated)
What is one mixture you can eat? How can you separate the parts?Answers will vary. Example: Cheerios, strain the cereal from the milk
In a solution, the substance that dissolves is called the...Solute
Iced Tea powder mixed with water is an example of a...Solution
How would you separate a mixture of paper clips, cheerios, and milk.Use a magnet to separate the paper clips. Use a strainer to separate the cheerios and milk.
What is a change in property that does not form a different kind of matter?Physical Change
What type of change is when one or more types of matter change into matter with different properties?Chemical Change
How does temperature effect physical changes?Physical changes may happen more or less easily depending on temperature. Example: Butter is easier to spread when it is warm.
How does temperature effect chemical changes?Particles move faster as the temperature rises, they can rearrange themselves into new substances quickly.
Why do you think medicine often says "Store in a cool, dry place"?The medicine in the bottle may change if it is heated.