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Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
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Let's Play Speed Match!


Dred Scott v. Sanford    


13 Ammendment


The nation became divided between North, South, and West before the Civil War.

Missouri Compromise

Compromise of 1850



Bleeding Kansas


Fugitive Slave Act

14th Ammendment

To end



The U.S. as a whole country including the North and the South.

When a state drops out or leaves the union (United States).

The people in the territories were able to vote if they wanted slavery in the territories. 

Which constitutional principle was the main focus of the North–South conflicts that led to the Civil War?

1. States rights 
2. due process of law

3. separation of powers

4. presidential veto power

What does sectionalism mean?

What was a common goal of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution?

1. punishing the South for seceding from the Union
2. granting basic rights to formerly enslaved persons
3. allowing the states to veto federal laws
4. creating a “separate but equal” society

What does secede mean?

What was the violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups called?

Which Ammendment abolished Slavery?

Base your answer to the question on the
passage below and on your knowledge of social

…Illinois senator Stephen A. Douglas, a
Democrat, took the lead [of the debate
about the Compromise of 1850]. He
argued that slavery in new territories was
best addressed by letting the people living
there decide for themselves to allow or
prohibit slavery. The issue then would
become a local one and not a national
problem involving the federal government


What is the term we use to describe Senator Douglas’
solution for slavery in new territories?

1. Popular Sovereignty 
2. Prohibition

3. Voting Bloc

4. Population Control

What does popular sovereignty mean?

Which compromise kept the number of free and slave states equal and did NOT permit slavery above the 36,30 degree line of latitude of the Louisiana Territory?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 were attempts by the federal government to

1. limit immigration from Europe
2. reduce the conflict over slavery
3. settle border disputes with Mexico
4. control the migration of settlers to new western territories


“Since the Southern states never legally left the Union, they should be restored to the Union as soon as possible.”


The position expressed in this statement is most closely
associated with the beliefs of


1. Robert E. Lee
2. Thaddeus Stevens

3. Jefferson Davis

4. Abraham Lincoln

Which compromise allowed California to enter the Union as a free state in exchange for giving the South a very strict Fugitive Slave Act?

After the Civil War, a significant cause of the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans in Congress was disagreement over


1. the plans for restoring Southern states to the Union
2. a proposal to repeal the Emancipation Proclamation
3. reduction of the army and the navy to prewar levels
4. congressional efforts to pay the Confederate war debt

Which heading best completes the partial
outline below?




A. Disputes over tariff rates
B. Introduction of slavery into the territories
C. Demands of abolitionists
D. Disagreements over States rights


1. Reasons for the American System
2. Successes of Third Political Parties
3. Causes of Sectionalism
4. Justifications for Economic Reform

What does abolish mean?

Which Ammendment provided equal citizenship for the former enslaved Americans and African Americans and allowed for equality under the law?

As the Civil War ended, which action was supported by President Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans?

1. abolishing the institution of slavery by a constitutional amendment
2. passing Black Codes to guarantee equality for formerly enslaved persons
3. putting Confederate leaders on trial for war crimes
4. ending the military occupation of the South immediately

What was the law that said runaway slaves had to be returned to their owners in the South?

What does Union mean?

Which law said that enslaved Americans are property, NOT citizens?

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Here are all the answers:


What does Union mean?

The U.S. as a whole country including the North and the South.

What does secede mean?

When a state drops out or leaves the union (United States).

What does abolish mean?

To end

What does sectionalism mean?

The nation became divided between North, South, and West before the Civil War.

What does popular sovereignty mean?

The people in the territories were able to vote if they wanted slavery in the territories. 

Which compromise kept the number of free and slave states equal and did NOT permit slavery above the 36,30 degree line of latitude of the Louisiana Territory?

Missouri Compromise

Which compromise allowed California to enter the Union as a free state in exchange for giving the South a very strict Fugitive Slave Act?

Compromise of 1850

What was the violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups called?

Bleeding Kansas

What was the law that said runaway slaves had to be returned to their owners in the South?

Fugitive Slave Act

Which law said that enslaved Americans are property, NOT citizens?

Dred Scott v. Sanford    

Which Ammendment abolished Slavery?

13 Ammendment

Which Ammendment provided equal citizenship for the former enslaved Americans and African Americans and allowed for equality under the law?

14th Ammendment

What was a common goal of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution?

1. punishing the South for seceding from the Union
2. granting basic rights to formerly enslaved persons
3. allowing the states to veto federal laws
4. creating a “separate but equal” society


After the Civil War, a significant cause of the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans in Congress was disagreement over


1. the plans for restoring Southern states to the Union
2. a proposal to repeal the Emancipation Proclamation
3. reduction of the army and the navy to prewar levels
4. congressional efforts to pay the Confederate war debt


As the Civil War ended, which action was supported by President Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans?

1. abolishing the institution of slavery by a constitutional amendment
2. passing Black Codes to guarantee equality for formerly enslaved persons
3. putting Confederate leaders on trial for war crimes
4. ending the military occupation of the South immediately


“Since the Southern states never legally left the Union, they should be restored to the Union as soon as possible.”


The position expressed in this statement is most closely
associated with the beliefs of


1. Robert E. Lee
2. Thaddeus Stevens

3. Jefferson Davis

4. Abraham Lincoln


Which heading best completes the partial
outline below?




A. Disputes over tariff rates
B. Introduction of slavery into the territories
C. Demands of abolitionists
D. Disagreements over States rights


1. Reasons for the American System
2. Successes of Third Political Parties
3. Causes of Sectionalism
4. Justifications for Economic Reform


Which constitutional principle was the main focus of the North–South conflicts that led to the Civil War?

1. States rights 
2. due process of law

3. separation of powers

4. presidential veto power


The Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 were attempts by the federal government to

1. limit immigration from Europe
2. reduce the conflict over slavery
3. settle border disputes with Mexico
4. control the migration of settlers to new western territories



Base your answer to the question on the
passage below and on your knowledge of social

…Illinois senator Stephen A. Douglas, a
Democrat, took the lead [of the debate
about the Compromise of 1850]. He
argued that slavery in new territories was
best addressed by letting the people living
there decide for themselves to allow or
prohibit slavery. The issue then would
become a local one and not a national
problem involving the federal government


What is the term we use to describe Senator Douglas’
solution for slavery in new territories?

1. Popular Sovereignty 
2. Prohibition

3. Voting Bloc

4. Population Control