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Ancient Mesopotamian Empires
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

code of law
wheel, plow
so everyone can see
powerful army
Fertile Crescent
many peoples/cultures together
a temple
emperor rules over more people/territory
payment or tax
rivals formed an alliance and defeated them
iron swords, spears,chariots
slaves, artisans,kings
brings peace and trade to the area
fair treatment of people
Who were the first rulers in Sumer?
What does justice mean?
What is a community that includes the farmland around it called?
What is hammurabi most famous for?
Was Sumer polytheistic or Monotheistic?
Who was the first emperor?
What is tribute?
Why did Assyria fall?
What is an empire?
What is the difference between a king and emperor?
Why were the laws placed on pillars?
What empire did Hammurabi rule?
What region did he conquer?
How many laws did he write?
Name one trait of a civilization
Name two Sumerian inventions
What was the first step on the road to civilization?
What number was the Sumerian number system based upon?
What was a Ziggurat?
What was the style of writing called?
How did they treat captured people?
Name one military invention by the Assyrians
What is Assyria known for?
What were the social classes in Sumer?
What is one positive aspect about an empire?

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Here are all the answers:

What was the first step on the road to civilization?farming
Name one trait of a civilizationcities,workers,institutions,records,technology
What is a community that includes the farmland around it called?city-state
Who were the first rulers in Sumer?priests
What was a Ziggurat?a temple
Was Sumer polytheistic or Monotheistic?Polytheistic
Name two Sumerian inventionswheel, plow
What was the style of writing called?cuneiform
What were the social classes in Sumer?slaves, artisans,kings
What number was the Sumerian number system based upon?60
What is an empire?many peoples/cultures together
Who was the first emperor?Sargon
What region did he conquer?Fertile Crescent
What is the difference between a king and emperor?emperor rules over more people/territory
What is one positive aspect about an empire?brings peace and trade to the area
What empire did Hammurabi rule?Babylon
What is hammurabi most famous for?code of law
What does justice mean?fair treatment of people
How many laws did he write?282
Why were the laws placed on pillars?so everyone can see
What is Assyria known for?powerful army
Name one military invention by the Assyriansiron swords, spears,chariots
How did they treat captured people?cruelly
What is tribute?payment or tax
Why did Assyria fall?rivals formed an alliance and defeated them