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von Maluski 8th Grade 2nd 6 Weeks
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is a constitution?
What is the Treaty of Paris, 1783?
What is the Great Compromise?
What is the Battle of Yorktown?
Who are Thomas Jefferson & Alexander Hamilton?
What is a compromise?
What is the system of checks and balances?
What is bicameral?
What is the judicial branch?
What is the Battle of Trenton?
What is the 3/5 Compromise?
What is the executive branch?
What is federalism?
What is the electoral college?
What are strengths of the Continental Army?
What is the Battle of Saratoga?
What is a federal system of government?
What is a veto?
What are federal, state and local?
What is the House of Representatives?
What is the New Jersey Plan?
What is the judicial branch?
What is Shays' Rebellion?
What is Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate)
What is a legislature?
This system maintains separation of powers between the 3 LEVELS of government.
Strong leadership, alliances with Spain & France, fighting for beliefs.
These two Founding Fathers began the first political parties.
This rebellion happened as a result of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
A government that shares power between the central (national) government and the states
An agreement in which both sides give up something to reach an agreement.
An adjective meaning "having two parts"
Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton & George H.W. Bush have all been a part of this branch.
The turning point of the Revolutionary War
The branch that interprets the laws.
This plan was favored by the small states.
The president can do this to a law passed by Congress that he/she does not like.
This house of Congress has 435 members. Each state's # of representatives is decided by population size.
This system gives each branch of government some control over the actions of the others & requires cooperation among the branches
The 3 branches of government exist at these three levels.
In this event, George Washington led a group of soldiers across the Delaware River on Christmas, 1776.
A law-making group
The last major battle of the Revolutionary War.
The name for the legislative branch at the federal level.
In the U.S.A., people do not vote directly for the president and vice president. Instead, this system is used.
A plan for government
At the federal level, the Supreme Court is the name for this branch.
This compromise stated that for the purposes of representation, 5 slaves should be counted as 3 free white men.
The treaty that ended the war and made the United States officially independent from England
This compromise allowed both large & small states to influence decisions by creating a bicameral legislature.

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Here are all the answers:

Strong leadership, alliances with Spain & France, fighting for beliefs.What are strengths of the Continental Army?
The turning point of the Revolutionary WarWhat is the Battle of Saratoga?
In this event, George Washington led a group of soldiers across the Delaware River on Christmas, 1776. What is the Battle of Trenton?
The last major battle of the Revolutionary War.What is the Battle of Yorktown?
The treaty that ended the war and made the United States officially independent from EnglandWhat is the Treaty of Paris, 1783?
This rebellion happened as a result of the weaknesses of the Articles of ConfederationWhat is Shays' Rebellion?
This plan was favored by the small states. What is the New Jersey Plan?
This compromise allowed both large & small states to influence decisions by creating a bicameral legislature. What is the Great Compromise?
This house of Congress has 435 members. Each state's # of representatives is decided by population size. What is the House of Representatives?
This compromise stated that for the purposes of representation, 5 slaves should be counted as 3 free white men. What is the 3/5 Compromise?
A plan for governmentWhat is a constitution?
An adjective meaning "having two parts"What is bicameral?
A government that shares power between the central (national) government and the statesWhat is a federal system of government?
An agreement in which both sides give up something to reach an agreement. What is a compromise?
A law-making groupWhat is a legislature?
Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton & George H.W. Bush have all been a part of this branch. What is the executive branch?
The branch that interprets the laws. What is the judicial branch?
The name for the legislative branch at the federal level. What is Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate)
The 3 branches of government exist at these three levels. What are federal, state and local?
At the federal level, the Supreme Court is the name for this branch. What is the judicial branch?
This system gives each branch of government some control over the actions of the others & requires cooperation among the branchesWhat is the system of checks and balances?
The president can do this to a law passed by Congress that he/she does not like. What is a veto?
This system maintains separation of powers between the 3 LEVELS of government. What is federalism?
These two Founding Fathers began the first political parties. Who are Thomas Jefferson & Alexander Hamilton?
In the U.S.A., people do not vote directly for the president and vice president. Instead, this system is used. What is the electoral college?