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C and E Ocean Motion
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is a rip current?
What is longshore drift?
What is neap tide?
What is high tide?
What is salinity?
What is the trough?
What is a spring tide?
What is a wave?
What is El Nino?
What is a groin?
What is the pressure of the water?
What is a sandbar?
What is the crest?
What is low tide?
What is a surface current?
What is climate?
What is the wave height?
What is a submersible?
What is Sodium chloride?
What is frequency?
What is the Coriolis effect?
What is the wavelength?
What are currents?
What is a deep water current?
What is the water column?
This is an underwater vehicle built of strong materials to resist pressure
An abnormal climate event that occurs every 2 to 7 years in the Pacific Ocean
Tide with the greatest difference between high and low tide
A rush of water that flows out from the shore through a narrow opening
The effect of the Earth's rotation on the direction of winds and currents is called
Tide with the least difference between high and low tide
This type of current is caused by differences in density
The movement of energy through water
A wall of rocks or concrete built outward from a beach to prevent erosion
A vertical section of the ocean from the surface to the ocean floor is referred to as the
The lowest part of a wave
This type of current is caused by wind
The distance between the crest of waves
The movement of sand down a beach
A long, low ridge of sand deposited offshore as waves go back out to sea
The total amount of dissolved salts in ocean water is called
The most abundant salt in seawater is
The distance from the crest to the trough
The number of waves that pass a point in a given amount of time
The highest point of a wave
The pattern of temperature and precipitation typical of an area over long periods of time
Tide in which water reaches its highest point on the beach each day
Tide in which water reaches its lowest point on the beach each day
This prevents divers from going deeper than 40 meters below the surface
These are large streams of moving water that flow through the ocean

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Here are all the answers:

The movement of sand down a beachWhat is longshore drift?
A rush of water that flows out from the shore through a narrow openingWhat is a rip current?
Tide with the greatest difference between high and low tideWhat is a spring tide?
These are large streams of moving water that flow through the oceanWhat are currents?
This type of current is caused by differences in densityWhat is a deep water current?
The movement of energy through waterWhat is a wave?
Tide in which water reaches its lowest point on the beach each dayWhat is low tide?
The total amount of dissolved salts in ocean water is calledWhat is salinity?
The effect of the Earth's rotation on the direction of winds and currents is calledWhat is the Coriolis effect?
The highest point of a waveWhat is the crest?
A long, low ridge of sand deposited offshore as waves go back out to sea What is a sandbar?
Tide with the least difference between high and low tideWhat is neap tide?
A vertical section of the ocean from the surface to the ocean floor is referred to as theWhat is the water column?
The pattern of temperature and precipitation typical of an area over long periods of timeWhat is climate?
The lowest part of a waveWhat is the trough?
The number of waves that pass a point in a given amount of timeWhat is frequency?
Tide in which water reaches its highest point on the beach each dayWhat is high tide?
The most abundant salt in seawater isWhat is Sodium chloride?
An abnormal climate event that occurs every 2 to 7 years in the Pacific OceanWhat is El Nino?
The distance between the crest of wavesWhat is the wavelength?
A wall of rocks or concrete built outward from a beach to prevent erosionWhat is a groin?
This is an underwater vehicle built of strong materials to resist pressureWhat is a submersible?
This prevents divers from going deeper than 40 meters below the surfaceWhat is the pressure of the water?
This type of current is caused by windWhat is a surface current?
The distance from the crest to the troughWhat is the wave height?