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C and E Erosion and deposition
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What are Mudslides?
What is abrasion?
What is a oxbow lake?
What is runoff?
What is Mass Movements?
What is deposition?
What is deflation?
What is limestone?
What is glacial erosion?
What are flood plains?
What is Karst Topography?
What is the river slows way down?
What is flows into the Mississippi River?
What is gravity?
What is erosion?
What is a stream?
What is load?
What are plains regions?
What is melts?
What is a Moraine?
What is a continental glacier?
What is wind?
What is sediment?
What is creep?
What is move down the beach with the current?
An alluvial fan forms because
What type of rock is most likely to form caves?
Waves erode the land through impact and
After a rainfall, the water that moves over the Earth's surface is called
A meander that is cut off from the river by deposition of sediment
When it rains for an extended period of time in the deserts these may occur
What type of glacier covers much of the island of greenland?
Longshore drift cause sediments to
The material moved by erosion is called
A glacier forms in an area where more snow falls than
Landslides and slumps are forms of
Meandering rivers are most likely seen in what region (mountains or plains)
The till deposited at the edge of a glacier forms a ridge called a
What type of erosion formed the Great Lakes of North America?
The amount of sediment in a river is called its
What type of mass movement results in gravestones and telephone tilting at odd angles?
A channel along which a water is continually flowing down a slope is
The flat, wide area of the land along the banks of the river are called
The energy of ocean waves comes from the energy of the
The process by which wind removes surface material is
The Missouri River is a tributary because
This type of topography produces caves, cavens and sinkholes
The process by which erosion lays down sediment in a new location is called
What is the force that pulls rock and soil down slope?
The process by which natural forces move weathered rock from place to place is called

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Here are all the answers:

The amount of sediment in a river is called itsWhat is load?
After a rainfall, the water that moves over the Earth's surface is calledWhat is runoff?
What type of mass movement results in gravestones and telephone tilting at odd angles?What is creep?
The material moved by erosion is calledWhat is sediment?
What is the force that pulls rock and soil down slope?What is gravity?
The process by which erosion lays down sediment in a new location is calledWhat is deposition?
The Missouri River is a tributary becauseWhat is flows into the Mississippi River?
The process by which natural forces move weathered rock from place to place is calledWhat is erosion?
Longshore drift cause sediments toWhat is move down the beach with the current?
What type of rock is most likely to form caves?What is limestone?
A glacier forms in an area where more snow falls thanWhat is melts?
What type of glacier covers much of the island of greenland?What is a continental glacier?
What type of erosion formed the Great Lakes of North America?What is glacial erosion?
A meander that is cut off from the river by deposition of sedimentWhat is a oxbow lake?
When it rains for an extended period of time in the deserts these may occurWhat are Mudslides?
The till deposited at the edge of a glacier forms a ridge called aWhat is a Moraine?
The process by which wind removes surface material isWhat is deflation?
The energy of ocean waves comes from the energy of the What is wind?
A channel along which a water is continually flowing down a slope isWhat is a stream?
Meandering rivers are most likely seen in what region (mountains or plains)What are plains regions?
The flat, wide area of the land along the banks of the river are calledWhat are flood plains?
An alluvial fan forms becauseWhat is the river slows way down?
Landslides and slumps are forms ofWhat is Mass Movements?
Waves erode the land through impact andWhat is abrasion?
This type of topography produces caves, cavens and sinkholesWhat is Karst Topography?