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Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

the American struggle for independence
school year, leveled classes, state board of education, secretary of education, standardized schools, public funding of schools, no corporal punishment
Math and Science
Sojourner Truth, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony...
vote, attend college, own property
profiting from slave labor, might lose their job to a black person
Moving away from the belief in predestination to the belief in free will

popular sovereignty

equality for women
Pursuit, Opportunity, Self Agency, Stress, Growing up in Poverty
Actions of citizens which impact society
Answers will vary
slaves are property/treated as such
Positive change
a perfect community
Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
increased trade and travel, created new towns, connected people to other communities
South Carolina
Slavery was an issue to be decided by residents of the states
What was the Supreme Court Decision regarding the slave Dred Scott?
List the 5 key factors of enslaved entrepreneurship
The first state to secede the Union.
List four cotton producing states
The Declaration of Sentiments written at the Seneca Falls Convention called for
Give an example of discrimination
Give two reasons why some Northerners opposed abolition
Girls growing up in America in the mid 1800's were not allowed to study these two subjects
Name two things that women could NOT do in 1820
List three of Horace Mann's education reforms which are still in effect today.
Name 3 women from this era who fought for women's rights
The decision by the master to keep a slave family together could be described as
Southerners called for a law that would force the return of
During the Jackson administration, many Native Americans were _____________ of their homelands.

The belief that states should be able to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery is called

_________treatment of criminals is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution
True or False...Divisions among Democrats led to the election of Abraham Lincoln
Define civic engagement
How did the Erie Canal change America? (2 ways)
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act address the issue of slavery?
Delegates at the Seneca Falls Convention compared the women's rights movement to
Define utopian community.
Abolitionists were________to the success of the Underground Railroad.
What was the Second Great Awakening?
Goal of a reform movement

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Here are all the answers:

Goal of a reform movementPositive change
List four cotton producing statesTennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
The first state to secede the Union.South Carolina

The belief that states should be able to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery is called

popular sovereignty

List the 5 key factors of enslaved entrepreneurshipPursuit, Opportunity, Self Agency, Stress, Growing up in Poverty
The Declaration of Sentiments written at the Seneca Falls Convention called forequality for women
Delegates at the Seneca Falls Convention compared the women's rights movement tothe American struggle for independence
Girls growing up in America in the mid 1800's were not allowed to study these two subjectsMath and Science
Name two things that women could NOT do in 1820vote, attend college, own property
Name 3 women from this era who fought for women's rightsSojourner Truth, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony...
Southerners called for a law that would force the return of fugitives
Abolitionists were________to the success of the Underground Railroad.vital
_________treatment of criminals is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitutionhumane
During the Jackson administration, many Native Americans were _____________ of their homelands.deprived
The decision by the master to keep a slave family together could be described as virtuous
Give two reasons why some Northerners opposed abolitionprofiting from slave labor, might lose their job to a black person
Define utopian community.a perfect community
True or False...Divisions among Democrats led to the election of Abraham Lincolntrue
What was the Supreme Court Decision regarding the slave Dred Scott?slaves are property/treated as such
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act address the issue of slavery?Slavery was an issue to be decided by residents of the states
Give an example of discriminationAnswers will vary
How did the Erie Canal change America? (2 ways)increased trade and travel, created new towns, connected people to other communities
Define civic engagementActions of citizens which impact society
What was the Second Great Awakening?Moving away from the belief in predestination to the belief in free will
List three of Horace Mann's education reforms which are still in effect year, leveled classes, state board of education, secretary of education, standardized schools, public funding of schools, no corporal punishment