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Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

His chair
Xbox 360
Auggie Doggie
A hobo
A bleeding scream costume
They needed summer names
Because Julian told lies about Jack at his Christmas party and turned the school against him.
Mrs. Rubin
The Empire Strikes Back
Eating ice cream
Beecher Prep
Summer is good friends with Julian
Who did August's dad buy the family dog from?
Why were people not talking with Jack?
What did August wear to his school on Halloween?
Justin traded in his fiddle for a baroque violin
Which one of Via's friends was especially kind to August growing up?
What Star Wars poster does August have in his room?
What School does August attend?
Who is August's science teacher?
Halloween is Auggie's least favorite holiday
The funny story about August's birth featured a nurse who did what?
Who started the plague?
What did Via kick when August was teasing him about her boyfriend?
Via and _______ are dating.
What did Jack name his sled?
What is August's Dog's name?
What game system did Jack want to play at August's house?
Who did Jack punch?
What rule do August and Summer make about people who sit at their table?
What was Jack doing the first time he saw August?
What is August's dad's nickname for him?
What type of music does Justin play?
August has had facial surgeries
August wore an astronaut helmet

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

You did it!
You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

What did August wear to his school on Halloween?A bleeding scream costume
What is August's dad's nickname for him?Auggie Doggie
What School does August attend?Beecher Prep
Who is August's science teacher? Mrs. Rubin
What is August's Dog's name?Daisy
Who did Jack punch?Julian
What game system did Jack want to play at August's house?Xbox 360
What was Jack doing the first time he saw August?Eating ice cream
Why were people not talking with Jack?Because Julian told lies about Jack at his Christmas party and turned the school against him.
What did Jack name his sled?Lightning
Halloween is Auggie's least favorite holidayFalse
August has had facial surgeriesTrue
August wore an astronaut helmetTrue
Summer is good friends with JulianFalse
Justin traded in his fiddle for a baroque violinFalse
Who started the plague? Julian
Via and _______ are dating. Justin
What rule do August and Summer make about people who sit at their table?They needed summer names
What did Via kick when August was teasing him about her boyfriend? His chair
What type of music does Justin play?Zydeco
The funny story about August's birth featured a nurse who did what?Farted
Which one of Via's friends was especially kind to August growing up?Miranda
Who did August's dad buy the family dog from?A hobo
What Star Wars poster does August have in his room?The Empire Strikes Back