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Foundations of Government
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
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Let's Play Speed Match!

The Stamp Act

A sovereign government

The Articles of Confederation
An alliance of independent states
The people
To set out the processes, structure and principles of a government.

The Virginia Plan

The Federalists
All 13
The idea that government must operate withing certain bounds set by the people.
Ted Cruz and John Cornyn
Dictatorship or Monarchy
A system of government that shares power between a central government and individual states.
Where there is no government to protect people.
The New Jersey Plan
The Connecticut Compromise
The Magna Carta
They are all authoritarian.
With the people.
A unitary system.
Government is created by and subject to the will of the people.
The San Antonio Spurs

Minority rights

Free enterprise or capitalism
Describe a federal system.
What is a confederation?
What is a "state of nature"?
During the American Revolution a common feature of each of the State constitutions was popular sovereignty. Describe popular sovereignty.
Which document limited the power of the king?
It put a tax on all paper products, including legal documents and newspapers.

Which "plan" called for a government with three separate branches?

What is limited government?

Besides a population of people and a defined territory, what else must a state (nation) have by definition?

How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it went into effect?
Who are Texas' two senators?
In a democracy where does supreme authority reside?
The greatest basketball team of all time.
What feature do all dictatorships share?
Which type of government has a single center of power?
Who does a representative government serve?
What document created the first plan of government for the U.S. following the War of Independence?
This "plan" called for a Congress with equal representation from each state.
How many states voted in favor of ratifying the Constitution?
What type of economy does the United States have?
This "compromise" called for two houses of Congress, the larger based on population and the smaller with equal state representation.
Which group was in favor of ratification of the new Constitution?
In which types of government does one person rule?
What is the purpose of a Constitution?

In the American concept of democracy what must accompany majority rule?

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Here are all the answers:

What is the purpose of a Constitution?To set out the processes, structure and principles of a government.
In a democracy where does supreme authority reside?With the people.
What is a confederation?An alliance of independent states
What is a "state of nature"?Where there is no government to protect people.
What is limited government?The idea that government must operate withing certain bounds set by the people.
In which types of government does one person rule?Dictatorship or Monarchy
Describe a federal system.A system of government that shares power between a central government and individual states.
Who does a representative government serve?The people
Which type of government has a single center of power?A unitary system.
What feature do all dictatorships share?They are all authoritarian.
How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it went into effect? 9
Which group was in favor of ratification of the new Constitution?The Federalists

Which "plan" called for a government with three separate branches?

The Virginia Plan

This "compromise" called for two houses of Congress, the larger based on population and the smaller with equal state representation.The Connecticut Compromise
What document created the first plan of government for the U.S. following the War of Independence?The Articles of Confederation
What type of economy does the United States have?Free enterprise or capitalism
This "plan" called for a Congress with equal representation from each state.The New Jersey Plan
How many states voted in favor of ratifying the Constitution?All 13
It put a tax on all paper products, including legal documents and newspapers.The Stamp Act

In the American concept of democracy what must accompany majority rule?

Minority rights

The greatest basketball team of all time.The San Antonio Spurs
Who are Texas' two senators?Ted Cruz and John Cornyn
During the American Revolution a common feature of each of the State constitutions was popular sovereignty. Describe popular sovereignty.Government is created by and subject to the will of the people.
Which document limited the power of the king?The Magna Carta

Besides a population of people and a defined territory, what else must a state (nation) have by definition?

A sovereign government