
Early Humans and Invention of Agriculture Answer Key

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#1 This word is used to describe hunter-gatherers who moved from place to place. Nomad
#2 What does "domesticate" mean? To train a wild animal to be useful to humans.
#3 This term means "Old Stone Age." Paleolithic Age
#4 Remains of Neolithic villages and towns have been found in this region of Southwest Asia. Fertile Crescent
#5 What is the difference between an archaeologist and an anthropologist? An archaeologist studies the remains of the past; an anthropologist studies human culture and development.
Early Hominids
#1 This group of Early Hominids is the only one which still exists today. Homo Sapiens Sapiens
#2 This group of hominids lived between Homo Habilis and Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. Homo Erectus
#3 This type of hominid was the first to walk on two legs. Australopithecus Afarensis
#4 This type of hominid was nicknamed for their ability to use tools. Homo Habilis "handy man"
#5 These hominids coexisted with modern man, but eventually died out. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
Hominid Capabilities
#1 Australopithecus Afarensis was the first hominid to have what capability? Biped/walk on two legs
#2 Which capability came first: the ability to use tools or fire? Tools
#3 Name three ways that fire helped early hominids survive. Warmth, light, cooking, hunting, protection
#4 How did the invention of the spear help early hominids? Hunting became less dangerous because animals could be killed from a distance
#5 Explain why artwork indicates that Homo Sapiens Sapiens were the most advanced group of hominids. They had the time for leisure activities, they may have used artwork for religion or teaching purposes.
Contrasting Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages
#1 Which age came first (and lasted longer?) The Paleolithic Age
#2 How did humans in the Paleolithic Age get food? Hunting and gathering
#3 Name at least two problems with the way humans obtained food in the Paleolithic Age. Food became scarce in one area, humans had to keep moving, hunting was dangerous and difficult
#4 What is the main difference between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Age? The invention of agriculture
#5 The development of agriculture meant that humans in the Neolithic Age were able to do what two things? Grow crops and raise animals
Effects of Agriculture
#1 The first effect of a stable food supply was that humans were no longer nomads, and started building.....? Permanent settlements/Homes
#2 What method was used for storing surplus (extra) food in permanent settlements? Digging pits in the ground/covering with stones
#3 Why was it easier to establish communities after the invention of agriculture? Larger groups of people could live in one place, people were safer and worked together toward common goals (answers may vary)
#4 Explain why agriculture helped create jobs. Since people were not always concerned with food supply, they had more time to practice other skills and become good at different tasks. (answers may vary)
#5 Why was trade important? People were able to exchange resources they had for things they needed.
Final Question
How many "word bank" words do you have to use when answering each essential question in order to earn a 3? 8