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Mass Communication


This person invented movable type which allowed the book to become mass produced?                           

Johannes Gutenberg


What is the most profitable company of the digital age so far?



The mass media have passed through which five historical stages?

Oral, Manuscript, Print Revolution, Electronic Era, Digital Era


When consumers choose or shape media messages that fit their own values and viewpoints it's called what?

Selective Exposure


In the nineteenth century, what did critics feel might create havoc?

Higher Literacy Rates


What was the first newspaper produced in North America?

Publick Occurrences


Where did the term yellow journalism originated from?

The Yellow Kid comic strip


Newspaper trend that began in the late 1800s stressing profit and featuring human-interest stories, crime news, and large headlines was called what?

Yellow Journalism


- What was the North Star newspaper and who published it?

Antislavery newspaepr published by Fredrick Douglass


These newspaepr workers handle all sorts of stories that might "break" in a day

General assignment reporters


The top children's magazine in 2014 was what?

Highlights for children


This magazine succeeded, in part, because it was readily available at the nation's supermarket checkout lines?

TV Guide


What kind of magazines were published in America throughout the nineteenth century?

SPecialized Magazines


Who criticized magazine journalists who exposed corruption in government & business, what were they called?

Teddy Roosevelt, Muckrakers


Hugh Hefner's Playboy magazine became an instant success in 1953, thanks in part to what?

A nude calendar foldout of Marilyn Monroe


What is the category of books sold to the general reader?

Trade Books


The Chinese were printing books using what before Gutenberg printed his Bible using movable type?

Strips of wood and Bamboo


What is the best selling book of all time?

The Bible


What is the oldest printed book still in existence?

Wang Chieh's Diamond Sutra


Numerous books became best-sellers after their authors appeared on what TV show?



One contribution of _________ was transforming information into a commodity?

The telegraph


Who were the two publishers most associated with yellow journalism in the late 1800s?

Jospeh Pulitzer


William Randolph Hearst


Who wrote History of the Standard Oil Company, first serialized in McClure's magazine?

Ida Tarbell


Who made one of the first portable electronic reading devices?



Which magazines have the largest circulations of any U.S. magazines?

AARP Bulletin & AARP The Magazine

Final Question

What are the four stages in the emergence of a new mass medium?

1. Emergence/Novelty Stage


2. Entrepreneurial Stage


3. Mass Medium Stage


4. Convergence Stage