
Year 8 Science Exam Revision Answer Key

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Animal Cells

Name one organelle that can be found in an animal cell


  • Cell Membrane
  • Mitochondria
  • Cytosol
  • Ribosomes
  • Golgi Body
  • Centrosome
  • Nucleus and nucleolus
  • Vacuole
  • Rough and Smooth ER

Name the Organelles labelled in the diagram


Animal Cell

Cell Membrane




What is the job of the mitochondria? 

To make energy for the cell 


Complete the following sentences:


Cells are made up of ____________ that have specialised jobs 



Cells join toegether to make ___________



When different organs work toegther it is termed a __________







Name one system in the human body and the organs that relate to it.

Digestive System: oesphagis, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, #!!##!!##!!##!!#.


Secretory System: bladder, kidneys, blood vessels


Respiratory System: trachea, lungs, heart, blood vessels


Reproductive System: testes, ovaries, #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!#, #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!#, uterus. 


Endocrine System: the glands


Nervous system: Brain and CNS and PNS





Plant Cells

Name one organelle that can be found in a plant cell


  • Cell wall
  • Cell membrane
  • Chloroplasts
  • Vacuole
  • Nucleus
  • Mitochondria
  • Rough and smooth ER
  • Golgi body 
  • Ribosomes

Name the labelled organelles

Plant Cell

A - Cytosol

B - Vacuole

C - Nucleus

D - Cell wall


What is the role of the cell wall in a plant cell?

Protection from outside bodies and it helps the cell to maintain it's shape 


By what process do plants create energy? 



Name and state the function of 1, 6 and 7. 


plant cell

1 = Nucleus. The boss of the cell. Controls all functions. 

6 = Vacuole. Storage for excess water and waste, provides support in plant cells. When the vacuole fills up with fluid it creates turgidity (pressure) and pushes against the cell wall, helping the cell to remain strong. 

7 = Chlorplast. Responsible for photsynthesis. Contain cholorphyll which absorb sunlight. 


What name do we give to the building blocks of all matter?



What are the three main states of matter?

Liquids, solids, gases.


Which state of matter is this picture representing?



The above picture is representing a solid. By what process does this solid change to a liquid? By what process does a liquid change into a solid? 


Freezing (solidification).


What are the atomic numbers of the elements below?



11, 12, 19 and 20. 


Point to the eyepiece on the microscope below



The cylindircal black piece at the top. 


True or false?


It is correct procedure to carry the microscope by the eyepiece in one hand and your books in the other hand to the bench. 

False! - you should always use two hands to carry a microscope, one hand on the arm and one under the base. 


Is the microscope shown monocular or binocular? 


Binocular (like a pair of binoculars - two eyepieces)


Name parts 11, 12 and 8. 

11 - stage

12 - focusing knob

  8 - lamp


List three differences between the microscopes shown


Possible answers include:

  • one is binocular, the other monocular
  • one has the stage raised, the other is at the base. 
  • the monocular microscope has three focus settings.
Scientific Reports

True or false?


Every report should begin with an aim. 

False - every report should begin with a title. 


What does the procedure/method section of a report include?

The steps for how the prac/experiment is carried out. 


Where does the conclusion go in a scientific report? What should it include?

At the end. A summary of the aim of the experiment, what was done and what was found. It should also give improvements for future experiments. 


This is a students drawing of their slide under the microscope. It is lacking many important features of a scientific drawing. What could you include to make it better?







The following is an aim to an experiment that a student has designed. How can you make this aim better?


Aim: To look at cells under the microscope.  

State what kind of cells, and what type of microscope. 

State why you are looking at these cells. 

State what you might expect to see. 


e.g. To look at animal cells under the electron microscope to observe mitochondria and their shape. 

Final Question

A student makes up a slide of a leaf cell to look at under the microscope. They are having trouble seeing anything significant. Suggest strategies this student could use to fix this. 

Make a thinner sample

Use a higher magnification

Try a different microscope

Try a different leaf

Use some dye