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Lab Intro, Metrics, and Scientific Method
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Triple Beam Balance
Control Group
Test Tube
Experimental Group
Graduated Cylinder
Results (or data)
Identify problem or question
Group used for comparison, or 'regular' group
The amount of space something takes up
Formula for density
Final summary of project communicated to others
Unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations supported by testing; can predict what will happen in future
The amount of matter in an object
Model - something that looks or acts like the object it represents
Summary of many experimental results and observations; explains what happens, but not why
Standard metric unit for mass
Usually show in charts and graphs
Variable that is changed or tested by the scientist
Model - system of ideas or a comparison to familiar things to explain an idea
Group that is changed or being experimented on
Model - description made up of mathematical equations and data
Steps you follow to carry out experiment
First step of the scientific method
Standard metric unit for length
Variable measured by the scientist to see if experiment worked
If I test the effect of music on plant growth, what is the independent variable?
An educated guess

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

You did it!
You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

An educated guessHypothesis
Steps you follow to carry out experimentProcedure
Usually show in charts and graphsResults (or data)
Final summary of project communicated to othersConclusion
First step of the scientific methodIdentify problem or question
Group used for comparison, or 'regular' groupControl Group
Variable that is changed or tested by the scientistIndependent
Variable measured by the scientist to see if experiment workedDependent
Group that is changed or being experimented onExperimental Group
If I test the effect of music on plant growth, what is the independent variable?Music
Standard metric unit for lengthMeter
The amount of space something takes upVolume
The amount of matter in an objectMass
Formula for densityMass/Volume
Standard metric unit for massGram
Test Tube
Triple Beam Balance
Graduated Cylinder
Model - description made up of mathematical equations and dataMathematical
Model - something that looks or acts like the object it representsPhysical
Model - system of ideas or a comparison to familiar things to explain an ideaConceptual
Summary of many experimental results and observations; explains what happens, but not whyLaw
Unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations supported by testing; can predict what will happen in futureTheory