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Biology Fall Final 2012
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What is a mutation?
What are sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water?
What is translation?
What are lipids and proteins?
What are haploid cells/germ cells/sex cells/gametes?
What are glucose, water, and oxygen?
What is the Kreb's (citric acid) cycle?
What is the chloroplast?
What is osmosis?
What are enzymes?
What are ribosomes?
What is a hypothesis?
What is the mitochondria?
What is transcription?
What are nucleic acids?
What are eukaryotes?
What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
What are plant cells?
What is a variable?
What is the control group?
What are the light-dependent reactions?
What is the Golgi body (complex)?
What is active transport?
What is 'avoidable error'?
What is Ty and ty?
This is the group that allows scientists to make comparisons.
These are the reactants of photosynthesis.
These cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, and large vacuoles for storing water.
These are the reactants of cell respiration.
These are the different possible genetic combinations possible in a sex cell (pollen) of a corn plant with the genotype, Ttyy.
An example is when a scientist accidentally gives one group of mice the wrong food.
This organelle is responsible for sorting and shipping the proteins out of the cell.
The monomer of this macromolecule is nucleotides.
This is the single factor that is changed in the experiment.
A type of transport where sodium ions are pumped across a membrane from low concentration to high conentration.
This is the first stage of photosynthesis.
A random change in the genetic code.
These organelles are responsible for protein synthesis. They may be free-floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
This is the site of photosynthesis.
One explains a wide range of observations while the other is an educated guess that is testable.
This is what the fluid mosaic model of membranes are made of.
This is the first step of protein synthesis. It occurs in the nucleus.
This is the 2nd stage of cellular respiration, provided that oxygen is available.
These cells are large, complex, and have specialized organelles.
There are 4 of these types of cells produced by meiosis.
These types of proteins depend on their structure to function properly. They each bind to a specific substrate.
This is the 2nd stage of protein synthesis. It occurs on ribosomes either in the cytoplasm or the rough ER.
This organelle is the site of cellular respiration and, therefore, ATP production.
An example is: a scientist suggests that the amount of sunlight a plant receives could accelerate its growth.
The movement of water from high concentration to low concentration.

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Here are all the answers:

An example is when a scientist accidentally gives one group of mice the wrong food. What is 'avoidable error'?
One explains a wide range of observations while the other is an educated guess that is testable. What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
An example is: a scientist suggests that the amount of sunlight a plant receives could accelerate its growth.What is a hypothesis?
This is the group that allows scientists to make comparisons.What is the control group?
This is the single factor that is changed in the experiment. What is a variable?
The monomer of this macromolecule is nucleotides.What are nucleic acids?
The movement of water from high concentration to low concentration.What is osmosis?
A type of transport where sodium ions are pumped across a membrane from low concentration to high conentration.What is active transport?
These types of proteins depend on their structure to function properly. They each bind to a specific substrate.What are enzymes?
This is what the fluid mosaic model of membranes are made of.What are lipids and proteins?
These cells are large, complex, and have specialized organelles.What are eukaryotes?
These cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, and large vacuoles for storing water.What are plant cells?
This organelle is responsible for sorting and shipping the proteins out of the cell.What is the Golgi body (complex)?
These organelles are responsible for protein synthesis. They may be free-floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.What are ribosomes?
This organelle is the site of cellular respiration and, therefore, ATP production.What is the mitochondria?
This is the first stage of photosynthesis.What are the light-dependent reactions?
This is the site of photosynthesis.What is the chloroplast?
These are the reactants of photosynthesis.What are sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water?
This is the 2nd stage of cellular respiration, provided that oxygen is available. What is the Kreb's (citric acid) cycle?
These are the reactants of cell respiration.What are glucose, water, and oxygen?
A random change in the genetic code. What is a mutation?
This is the first step of protein synthesis. It occurs in the nucleus.What is transcription?
This is the 2nd stage of protein synthesis. It occurs on ribosomes either in the cytoplasm or the rough ER.What is translation?
There are 4 of these types of cells produced by meiosis.What are haploid cells/germ cells/sex cells/gametes?
These are the different possible genetic combinations possible in a sex cell (pollen) of a corn plant with the genotype, Ttyy.What is Ty and ty?