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Classification and Taxonomy
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 34 times
The best time ever was Kolby at 102 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What are Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, and Kingdom Animalia?
What is genus and species?
What is Latin?
What is Kingdom Eubacteria?
Who is Carolus Linnaeus?
What are eukaryotes?
What is Kingdom Protista?
What is Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species?
What is Domain Eukarya?
What is Kingdom Archaebacteria?
What is Binomial Nomenclature?
What is Kingdom Animalia?
What are 3 Domains AND what is Archae, Bacteria, and Eukarya?
What is Domain?
What is Kingdom Fungi?
What is taxonomy?
What is classification?
What is unicellular and multicellular?
What are cells?
What are taxonomists?
What are prokaryotes?
What is Domain Bacteria?
What is 6 AND what is Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia?
What is Kingdom Plantae?
What is must get it approved?
Kingdom which includes amoeba, parmecium, algae, and diatoms.
The language in which each species is named in.
The science of classifying and naming organisms.
Kingdom that is made up of decomposers , can cause disease, and are used in food production, spill cleanup, and sewage treatment plants.
The basic unit of structure.
A two part name given to organisms.
Kingdom which includes organisms that live in extreme environments such as: high salinity, low oxygen concentrations, high temperatures, and 'cow farts'.
Scientists must have this done before classifying an object.
The 4 Kingdoms that are Eukaryotic.
Kingdom Eubacteria is under this domain; they are prokaryotic.
The amount of domains AND their names.
Kingdoms that includes fish, worms, spiders, lizards, grasshoppers, and humans.
Organisms that can have either 1 cell or many cells are called this.
Classifications of taxonomy in order; all 8 of them.
The systematic grouping and naming of organisms based on shared structural similiarites, fuctional similarities, or evolutionary history
Kingdom Protista is under this domain; the most diverse of the kingdoms.
The amount of Kingdoms and their names.
18th century Swedish scientist that developed taxonomy.
Scientists who classify or name organisms.
Kingdom which includes molds, mushrooms, and yeast; they digest food outside their bodies and then absorb it.
Has no nucleus.
Has a nucleus.
Kingdom that includes grasses, ferns, mosses, corn, ivy, and trees.
This is what the two word name in the scientific name for horse, Equus caballus stands for.
The broadest or biggest grouping taxonomists use for organisms.

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Here are all the answers:

Kingdom Protista is under this domain; the most diverse of the kingdoms.What is Domain Eukarya?
The amount of domains AND their names.What are 3 Domains AND what is Archae, Bacteria, and Eukarya?
The broadest or biggest grouping taxonomists use for organisms.What is Domain?
Kingdom Eubacteria is under this domain; they are prokaryotic.What is Domain Bacteria?
The amount of Kingdoms and their names.What is 6 AND what is Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia?
The systematic grouping and naming of organisms based on shared structural similiarites, fuctional similarities, or evolutionary historyWhat is classification?
Classifications of taxonomy in order; all 8 of them.What is Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species?
This is what the two word name in the scientific name for horse, Equus caballus stands for.What is genus and species?
The language in which each species is named in.What is Latin?
18th century Swedish scientist that developed taxonomy.Who is Carolus Linnaeus?
Kingdom that includes grasses, ferns, mosses, corn, ivy, and trees.What is Kingdom Plantae?
Kingdom which includes organisms that live in extreme environments such as: high salinity, low oxygen concentrations, high temperatures, and 'cow farts'.What is Kingdom Archaebacteria?
Kingdoms that includes fish, worms, spiders, lizards, grasshoppers, and humans.What is Kingdom Animalia?
Kingdom which includes amoeba, parmecium, algae, and diatoms.What is Kingdom Protista?
The 4 Kingdoms that are Eukaryotic.What are Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, and Kingdom Animalia?
Has no nucleus.What are prokaryotes?
Organisms that can have either 1 cell or many cells are called this.What is unicellular and multicellular?
Has a nucleus.What are eukaryotes?
The basic unit of structure.What are cells?
Scientists must have this done before classifying an object.What is must get it approved?
The science of classifying and naming organisms.What is taxonomy?
Kingdom which includes molds, mushrooms, and yeast; they digest food outside their bodies and then absorb it.What is Kingdom Fungi?
Scientists who classify or name organisms.What are taxonomists?
Kingdom that is made up of decomposers , can cause disease, and are used in food production, spill cleanup, and sewage treatment plants.What is Kingdom Eubacteria?
A two part name given to organisms.What is Binomial Nomenclature?