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Human Body Systems Jeopardy
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 98 times
The best time ever was Bryson V. at 63 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart called?
True! Air you breathe always passes through the trachea.
Carbon dioxide
White blood cells help you fight illness.
Energy your cells need come from nutrients.
False. Oxygen is not a waste product.
206 bones!
What are bronchi?
All of your bones make up your skeleton.
What is the diaphragm.
A JOINT is where two bones in your body meet.
The nerves, brain, and spinal cord are the three main parts of the nervous system
All systems of the body contain cells!
A swing joint is NOT a type of joint!
Nerves connect all parts of your body with your brain.
The HEART is the main organ of the Circulatory System.
Your trachea is not part of the digestive system!
True! Nerves in your face connect directly to the brain.
True! The circulatory system does all of that and more!
Cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and smooth muscle.
Your BRAIN tells all other parts of your body what to do!
Wastes leave your body through the large intestine.
Capillaries connect arteries and veins!
What do all systems of the body have in common?
What connects arteries to veins?
Which of the following is not a joint: swing, hinge, ball-and-socket, or immovable?
Nerves in your face connect directly with the brain.
What do all of your bones make up in your body?
What are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart called?
Where does the energy your cells need come from?
What are the three types of muscles in your body?
Your liver produces a digestive juice called ______________, which helps in absorption and breaking down of foods..
What kind of blood cells help you fight illness?
Which of the following is not part of the digestive system: small intestine, stomach, esophagus, or trachea?
What is a gas that your body makes and then gets rid of?
What is the main organ of the Circulatory System?
True or False. The circulatory system brings nutrients to your cells and takes waste from your cells.
How many bones are there in an adult human body?
A ____________ is where two bones in your body meet.
Your _________________ __________________ secrete saliva that helps to soften your food.
True or False. Air you breathe in moves through the trachea.
What part of the digestive system do wastes leave your body?
What organ tells all other parts of your body what to do?
True or False. Oxygen is a waste product.
What are the three main parts of the nervous system?
Nerves connect all parts of your body with what main organ?
This main muscle, located under the lungs, is used in the respiratory system.
These are the two tubes that take air onto the lungs.

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Here are all the answers:

Which of the following is not part of the digestive system: small intestine, stomach, esophagus, or trachea? Your trachea is not part of the digestive system!
Where does the energy your cells need come from? Energy your cells need come from nutrients.
What part of the digestive system do wastes leave your body? Wastes leave your body through the large intestine.
Your _________________ __________________ secrete saliva that helps to soften your food.SALIVARY GLANDS!
Your liver produces a digestive juice called ______________, which helps in absorption and breaking down of foods..BILE!
What is a gas that your body makes and then gets rid of? Carbon dioxide
True or False. Air you breathe in moves through the trachea. True! Air you breathe always passes through the trachea.
This main muscle, located under the lungs, is used in the respiratory system.What is the diaphragm.
True or False. Oxygen is a waste product. False. Oxygen is not a waste product.
These are the two tubes that take air onto the lungs. What are bronchi?
Nerves connect all parts of your body with what main organ? Nerves connect all parts of your body with your brain.
What are the three main parts of the nervous system? The nerves, brain, and spinal cord are the three main parts of the nervous system
Nerves in your face connect directly with the brain. True! Nerves in your face connect directly to the brain.
What do all systems of the body have in common? All systems of the body contain cells!
What organ tells all other parts of your body what to do? Your BRAIN tells all other parts of your body what to do!
What kind of blood cells help you fight illness? White blood cells help you fight illness.
What are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart called? Veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart called?
What connects arteries to veins? Capillaries connect arteries and veins!
True or False. The circulatory system brings nutrients to your cells and takes waste from your cells. True! The circulatory system does all of that and more!
What is the main organ of the Circulatory System?The HEART is the main organ of the Circulatory System.
What are the three types of muscles in your body?Cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and smooth muscle.
Which of the following is not a joint: swing, hinge, ball-and-socket, or immovable? A swing joint is NOT a type of joint!
What do all of your bones make up in your body?All of your bones make up your skeleton.
A ____________ is where two bones in your body meet.A JOINT is where two bones in your body meet.
How many bones are there in an adult human body?206 bones!