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Scientific Inquiry/Method
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Make a Hypothesis
Change 1 variable and do the experiment again
Bar Graph
The Conclusion
In order to ensure that findings are accurate, conduct several trials of the experiment
Circle Graph
Ask a Question
All of them!
Analyze results
It is the variable that you change in an experiment on purpose
It is the Results of your experiment, or "what happened"
We are using facts of observations to reach a conclusion. (Reading between the lines and guessing)
Observe; curious
It allows them to evaluate your results
At least 2 times.
Only 1
It is easy to forget things
Specific and Detailed
A step-by-step list of how to carry out the experiment
Line graphs help to show how one variable affects another, or in other words, how the dependent variable changes because of the independent variable
How many times should you do a contolled experiment?
Good data must be accurate: True/ False
Why do we record our data DURING an experiment?
When we have to INFER information, what are we doing?
What step of the Scientific Inquiry/Method is like the end of an essay?
Which type of graph uses rectangles to represent a different part or a category?
If the Hypothesis and Conclusion do not match, what do you do?
If you do not find the answer to your question through Background Research, what should you do next?
How do we ensure that our experiment findings are accurate?
When you run a controlled experiment the FIRST time, do you change any variables?
What is a Procedure?
What does a line graph show?
What is another description of the Dependent Variabe?
When you need a starting point for designing a new experiment, you could: __________________ something you are ____________ about.
Which graph resembles a pie cut into slices?
What is the first step of the Scientific Inquiry/Method
Which type of scientist follows the Scientific Inquiry/Method?
What do we call the factors in an experiment that stay the same?
After you conduct your experiment or observation, what should you do?
When you run a controlled experiment the SECOND time, how many variables do you change?
Measurements are not helpful in good data ? True/False
Name two ways to describe Good Data
What is the Independent Variable?
Why should other scientists be able repeat your experiment?
Should any scientist be able to repeat an experiment based on your procedure steps alone, no matter where he or she is?

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What is your name?

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Here are all the answers:

What is the first step of the Scientific Inquiry/MethodAsk a Question
When you need a starting point for designing a new experiment, you could: __________________ something you are ____________ about.Observe; curious
When you run a controlled experiment the FIRST time, do you change any variables?No
Name two ways to describe Good DataSpecific and Detailed
Which graph resembles a pie cut into slices?Circle Graph
If you do not find the answer to your question through Background Research, what should you do next?Make a Hypothesis
What is a Procedure?A step-by-step list of how to carry out the experiment
When you run a controlled experiment the SECOND time, how many variables do you change?Only 1
Measurements are not helpful in good data ? True/FalseFalse
When we have to INFER information, what are we doing?We are using facts of observations to reach a conclusion. (Reading between the lines and guessing)
After you conduct your experiment or observation, what should you do?Analyze results
Should any scientist be able to repeat an experiment based on your procedure steps alone, no matter where he or she is?yes
What do we call the factors in an experiment that stay the same?Constants
Good data must be accurate: True/ FalseTrue
How do we ensure that our experiment findings are accurate?In order to ensure that findings are accurate, conduct several trials of the experiment
What step of the Scientific Inquiry/Method is like the end of an essay?The Conclusion
Why should other scientists be able repeat your experiment?It allows them to evaluate your results
What is the Independent Variable?It is the variable that you change in an experiment on purpose
Why do we record our data DURING an experiment?It is easy to forget things
What does a line graph show?Line graphs help to show how one variable affects another, or in other words, how the dependent variable changes because of the independent variable
If the Hypothesis and Conclusion do not match, what do you do?Change 1 variable and do the experiment again
How many times should you do a contolled experiment?At least 2 times.
What is another description of the Dependent Variabe?It is the Results of your experiment, or "what happened"
Which type of graph uses rectangles to represent a different part or a category?Bar Graph
Which type of scientist follows the Scientific Inquiry/Method?All of them!