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C and E Chapter 3 Genetics
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

What are alleles?
What is Uracil?
What is Translation?
What is Genetic Variety?
What is probability?
What is the organisms environment?
What is mutation?
What is the cytoplasm?
What is Transcription?
What is a helpful mutation?
What is Separate?
What is the incorrect protein?
What is Codominant?
What is a codon?
What are alleles?
What is amino acid?
What is Meiosis?
What is heredity?
What is hybrid or heterozygous?
What is Chromosome Theory of Inheritance?
What are Chromosomes?
What is helpful?
What is phenotype?
What are purebred pea plants?
What is the dominant allele?
A change in a gene or chromosome is called a
These are made of genes joined together like beads on a string
Different forms of genes are called
Mutations can affect protein synthesis in cells by producing the
Whether a mutation is considered helpful or harmful partly depends on
In the genetic code, a group of three nitrogen bases code for a specific
Traits are controlled by....
A mutation that causes disease resistance would be considered...
Proteins are made in this PART of the cell
The 3 letter base code on the m-RNA is called a
An allele whose trait always shows up is known as
The physical appearance of an organism is called it's
Mutations can be the source of....
The passing of traits from parent to offspring is
Mendal used these plants in his experiments
When heterozygotes have the phenotype of both traits it is called
Unlike DNA, RNA contains the nitrogen base called....
The process by which m-RNA is produced from a single strand of DNA template.
This process produces proteins on ribosomes?
The likelihood that a particular event will happen is
The theory that genes are carried from parent to offspring on chromosomes.
The number of chromosomes is reduced in half during what process?
During Meiosis, sex cells form when chromosome pairs ....
An organism that has 2 different allele for a trait is called
Mutations that improve an organisms chances of survival and reproduction are

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Here are all the answers:

When heterozygotes have the phenotype of both traits it is calledWhat is Codominant?
Traits are controlled by....What are alleles?
The likelihood that a particular event will happen isWhat is probability?
During Meiosis, sex cells form when chromosome pairs .... What is Separate?
The process by which m-RNA is produced from a single strand of DNA template.What is Transcription?
The physical appearance of an organism is called it'sWhat is phenotype?
A change in a gene or chromosome is called a What is mutation?
Mendal used these plants in his experimentsWhat are purebred pea plants?
These are made of genes joined together like beads on a stringWhat are Chromosomes?
Different forms of genes are calledWhat are alleles?
Proteins are made in this PART of the cellWhat is the cytoplasm?
Whether a mutation is considered helpful or harmful partly depends onWhat is the organisms environment?
In the genetic code, a group of three nitrogen bases code for a specificWhat is amino acid?
The number of chromosomes is reduced in half during what process?What is Meiosis?
Mutations can be the source of....What is Genetic Variety?
An allele whose trait always shows up is known as What is the dominant allele?
The theory that genes are carried from parent to offspring on chromosomes.What is Chromosome Theory of Inheritance?
A mutation that causes disease resistance would be considered...What is a helpful mutation?
The 3 letter base code on the m-RNA is called aWhat is a codon?
Mutations can affect protein synthesis in cells by producing theWhat is the incorrect protein?
An organism that has 2 different allele for a trait is calledWhat is hybrid or heterozygous?
The passing of traits from parent to offspring isWhat is heredity?
This process produces proteins on ribosomes?What is Translation?
Mutations that improve an organisms chances of survival and reproduction areWhat is helpful?
Unlike DNA, RNA contains the nitrogen base called....What is Uracil?