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Anthony second grade science
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Fall, Spring
rain, hail, snow
prec. evaporation, condensation, precip
pollution and waste
Fall, Winter,Spring, Summer
conserve, recycle
The Earth's orbit around the sun varies in distance
Rocks, trees
Mercury and Jupiter
Heat from the sun
Why does the earth have seasons?
How many planets are there?
What can be done to preserve our natural resources?
When it is night on one side of the earth it is night on the other side too true/false
Which seasons are about the same distance from the sun
Where can condensation be seen?
Which planet has the most visible rings around it?
The moon has holes called....
The sun orbits the earth. True or False
How many hours in a day
Which season happens when the earth is closer to the sun?
What does condensation look like in the mini greenhouse experiment
You can see a new moon clearly in the sky true/false
How can we destroy our natural resources?
Name three forms of precipitation
Which planet is the third planet from the sun?
What are the four seasons?
Which natural resources are used for buildings
What causes evaporation?
Name the planets in order away from the sun
Which are the smallest and largest planets
Name the order of the water cycle beginning with precipitation
Natural Resources are man made true/false
Soil and sand are natural resources True/False
a full moon happpens about once a month true/false

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Here are all the answers:

Which planet is the third planet from the sun?Earth
How many planets are there?8
Which planet has the most visible rings around it?Saturn
Which are the smallest and largest planetsMercury and Jupiter
Name the planets in order away from the sunMer,Ven,Earth
What are the four seasons?Fall, Winter,Spring, Summer
The sun orbits the earth. True or FalseFalse
Which season happens when the earth is closer to the sun?Summer
Which seasons are about the same distance from the sunFall, Spring
Why does the earth have seasons?The Earth's orbit around the sun varies in distance
What causes evaporation?Heat from the sun
Where can condensation be seen?clouds
Name three forms of precipitationrain, hail, snow
What does condensation look like in the mini greenhouse experimentdroplets
Name the order of the water cycle beginning with precipitationprec. evaporation, condensation, precip
a full moon happpens about once a month true/falsetrue
How many hours in a day24
When it is night on one side of the earth it is night on the other side too true/falsefalse
The moon has holes called....crators
You can see a new moon clearly in the sky true/falsefalse
Natural Resources are man made true/falsefalse
Soil and sand are natural resources True/Falsetrue
Which natural resources are used for buildingsRocks, trees
How can we destroy our natural resources?pollution and waste
What can be done to preserve our natural resources?conserve, recycle