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Gary Paulsen's Hatchet novel review
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Mr. Perpich, his old English teacher
He saw the body of the pilot that had been eaten away by fish so only the skeleton was left, and he freaked out.
an airplane
He remembered that there was a survival kit on it.
A porcupine because he had quills stuck in his leg where he had kicked at the animal.
a growl and then a smell
Nothing, they went back to living separately.
finding food and wood for his fire
a skunk
He would try to make a bow and arrow and shoot the fish.
She goes to see 'him' on Thursdays.
He forgot to let go of the button after he finished talking.
He is upset about his parents' divorce.
The water near the shore was murky and had bugs in it.
Brian doesn't know. He thought it might be crazy.
He crawled out on the other side of the stream and then played dead.
The smoke kept the mosquitoes away.
He noticed the sun setting and figured out that must be west.
a nest full of eggs
He dropped the hatchet in the water.
He was in shock and couldn't believe that someone else was there.
He found a large dip in a stone wall and built a wall of woven sticks to close it off.
a bear
All the animal noises stopped, and he heard complete silence.
How did Brian get shelter?
What did the turtle leave behind?
What happened after Brian yelled, 'I'm hungry!'?
Why was Brian so upset about thinking of his mother and Thursdays?
What did Brian hear when he was in the woods?
What continued to be very important to Brian?
How did Brian figure out what animal it was in the shelter with him?
What was an added bonus of the fire?
What was Brian's second idea to catch fish?
He was in shock and couldn't believe that someone else was there.
What did Brian have to spend most of his time doing?
Why didn't Brian react to the plane or the pilot?
What was trying to steal Brian's eggs?
What did Brian remember about the plane when he saw it?
Why did Brian get angry at himself?
How did Brian escape the moose?
What event upset Brian so much?
What woke Brian up in the middle of the night?
What made Brian go all the way out on the log to get his drink?
Who taught Brian about positive thinking?
What happened when Brian found the survival kit?
How did Brian figure out which direction was which?
What scared Brian so much when he was picking the raspberries?
Why couldn't' Brian hear anyone over the radio?
Why did the moose attack Brian?

You did it!

What is your name?

Play This Game Again!

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You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

Who taught Brian about positive thinking?Mr. Perpich, his old English teacher
What made Brian go all the way out on the log to get his drink?The water near the shore was murky and had bugs in it.
What event upset Brian so much?He is upset about his parents' divorce.
Why couldn't' Brian hear anyone over the radio?He forgot to let go of the button after he finished talking.
What happened after Brian yelled, 'I'm hungry!'?All the animal noises stopped, and he heard complete silence.
What scared Brian so much when he was picking the raspberries?a bear
Why was Brian so upset about thinking of his mother and Thursdays?She goes to see 'him' on Thursdays.
What woke Brian up in the middle of the night?a growl and then a smell
How did Brian figure out what animal it was in the shelter with him?A porcupine because he had quills stuck in his leg where he had kicked at the animal.
How did Brian get shelter?He found a large dip in a stone wall and built a wall of woven sticks to close it off.
What was Brian's second idea to catch fish?He would try to make a bow and arrow and shoot the fish.
What was an added bonus of the fire?The smoke kept the mosquitoes away.
What did Brian hear when he was in the woods?an airplane
What did Brian have to spend most of his time doing?finding food and wood for his fire
What did the turtle leave behind?a nest full of eggs
Why did the moose attack Brian?Brian doesn't know. He thought it might be crazy.
What was trying to steal Brian's eggs?a skunk
How did Brian escape the moose?He crawled out on the other side of the stream and then played dead.
What did Brian remember about the plane when he saw it?He remembered that there was a survival kit on it.
How did Brian figure out which direction was which?He noticed the sun setting and figured out that must be west.
Why didn't Brian react to the plane or the pilot?He was in shock and couldn't believe that someone else was there.
He was in shock and couldn't believe that someone else was there.Nothing, they went back to living separately.
What happened when Brian found the survival kit?He saw the body of the pilot that had been eaten away by fish so only the skeleton was left, and he freaked out.
What continued to be very important to Brian?food
Why did Brian get angry at himself?He dropped the hatchet in the water.