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Ancient Rome
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 21 times
The best time ever was fmw7777777 at 57 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Julius Caesar
Octavian or Augustus
Augustus or Octavian
Punic Wars
Julius Caesar
Wealthy land owners and nobles
He was the Roman emperor during the Pax Romana
This city and its people were covered by volcanic ash after the volcano erupted
Ten of these were elected out of the Citizen's Assembly
This war was between Rome and Carthage
First bishop or regional church leader of Rome
Stories that Jesus told that had a lesson
Caesar's Grandnephew- leader during Pax Romana
12 followers of Jesus, spread his teachings after his death
He was murdered in the senate
Men who farmed, traded and made things for a living
How Jesus was killed
First dictator of Rome
These were built throughout the empire to help travel
Built to bring fresh water to the people of Rome
She joined forces with Caesar and gave him money to continue his battle
Born in Nazareth- crucified- was believed to be Messiah
Plebeians and Patricians made this group up
Roman emperor who split empire into two halves
Leader of the Roman Catholic Church today
The Senate was made up of these people
Where gladiators, ships battles, and other events were held
Augustus took one every 5 years to know who could be taxed
Roman Ruler- had crosses drawn on shields because of dream
He led Carthages armies into Italy using elephants

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What is your name?

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Here are all the answers:

First dictator of RomeJulius Caesar
Caesar's Grandnephew- leader during Pax RomanaOctavian or Augustus
Born in Nazareth- crucified- was believed to be MessiahJesus
Roman Ruler- had crosses drawn on shields because of dreamConstantine
Roman emperor who split empire into two halvesDiocletian
These were built throughout the empire to help travelRoads
Where gladiators, ships battles, and other events were heldColosseum
Built to bring fresh water to the people of RomeAqueducts
He was the Roman emperor during the Pax RomanaAugustus or Octavian
Augustus took one every 5 years to know who could be taxedCensus
Plebeians and Patricians made this group upCitizens
Wealthy land owners and noblesPatricians
Men who farmed, traded and made things for a livingPlebeians
The Senate was made up of these peoplePatricians
Ten of these were elected out of the Citizen's AssemblyTribunes
This war was between Rome and CarthagePunic Wars
He led Carthages armies into Italy using elephantsHannibal
He was murdered in the senateJulius Caesar
She joined forces with Caesar and gave him money to continue his battleCleopatra
This city and its people were covered by volcanic ash after the volcano eruptedPompeii
Stories that Jesus told that had a lessonParables
How Jesus was killedCrucifixion
12 followers of Jesus, spread his teachings after his deathapostles
Leader of the Roman Catholic Church todayPope
First bishop or regional church leader of RomePeter