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6th Grade Solar System Review
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 6 times
The best time ever was Esther at 196 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

yellow dwarf
8,000 mi
heat, light
365 days
25,000 mi
ALL (comets, asteroids, and meteors
Milky Way
Convection Zone
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Dwarf Planet
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter - name any two
Streak across the sky very fast
Most found in the asteriod belt
Two planets with rings are ...
The distance through the Earth is ...
The 3rd layer of the sun is ...
Earth is mostly covered by _______.
Tails always points away from the Sun
What two kinds of energy do we get from the sun?
A _________ is a natural satellite which revolves around a planet.
Vaporizes in Earth’s Atmosphere
Earth is a ...
Which planet in the solar system thousands of rings?
What size and color is the sun?
What galaxy is the sun in?
Venus is the ___________ planet from the sun.
Icy Objects
The distance around Earth is ....
What are the small, dark patches on the sun?
The largest planet is ...
Name the planets in order from the sun.
Pluto was once a planet, but now it is called a ____________.
rocky composition
It takes Earth how long to orbit the sun ...
Which planet is nearest the sun?
How many planets are there?

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Here are all the answers:

How many planets are there?8
Which planet is nearest the sun?Mercury
The largest planet is ...Jupiter
Two planets with rings are ...Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter - name any two
Name the planets in order from the sun.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Earth is a ...planet
Earth is mostly covered by _______.water
The distance around Earth is ....25,000 mi
The distance through the Earth is ...8,000 mi
It takes Earth how long to orbit the sun ...365 days
What are the small, dark patches on the sun?sunspots
What two kinds of energy do we get from the sun?heat, light
The 3rd layer of the sun is ...Convection Zone
What size and color is the sun?yellow dwarf
What galaxy is the sun in?Milky Way
Icy ObjectsComets
Most found in the asteriod beltAsteroids
Streak across the sky very fastMeteors
Tails always points away from the SunComets
rocky compositionALL (comets, asteroids, and meteors
Venus is the ___________ planet from the sun.2nd
Pluto was once a planet, but now it is called a ____________.Dwarf Planet
Which planet in the solar system thousands of rings?Saturn
Vaporizes in Earth’s AtmosphereMeteroites
A _________ is a natural satellite which revolves around a planet.Moon