
PsychJeopardy Classic Categories Answer Key

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Foreign Words and Phrases
#1 Latin for “blank slate”, Locke proposed that the human mind is initially this What is tabula rasa?
#2 German for “whole”, the perspective of psychology espoused by Wertheimer and Kohler What is Gestalt?
#3 G. Stanley Hall used this German term for “storm and stress” for his theory of adolescence What is sturm und drang?
#4 French for “let do”, this is a permissive parenting style What is laissez faire?
#5 French for “fool the eye”, this painting technique uses pictorial depth cues What is trompe l'oeil?
Alphabet Soup
#1 The letter used to denote the number of participants in an experiment What is 'n'?
#2 The letter used to denote the “constant” in Weber’s Law What is 'k'?
#3 Spearman’s symbol for general intelligence What is 'g'?
#4 This standardized score tells you how many standard deviations the score is from the mean What is 'z'?
#5 The last initial of “Anna”, whose treatment has been attributed to the beginning of psychoanalysis What is 'O'?
Before and After
#1 A sequential order of feared events in systematic desensitization AND Maslow’s pyramidal concept What is fear hierarchy of needs?
#2 Freud’s moral branch of personality AND a type of thinking in Piaget’s preoperational stage What is super-ego-centricism?
#3 An incorrect response in signal detection theory AND the body’s first response to stress, according to Selye What is the false alarm stage?
#4 The compliance technique in which a large unreasonable request precedes a smaller request, AND what occurs when a test seems to measure what is meant to measure What is door in the face validity?
#5 Where physical pleasure comes from according to Freud ANDwhere social learning occurs according to Vygotsky What is erogenous zone of proximal development?
#1 Skinner thought of the mind as this What is the black box?
#2 Aaron Beck graduated from this Rhode Island university in 1942 What is Brown University?
#3 In the “Three Faces of Eve”, the personality associated with the timid Eve Who is Eve White?
#4 With Swets, he co-authored the 1966 book Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics Who is David Green?
#5 The author of the best-selling 2009 book “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” Who is Daniel Pink?
#1 Sternberg’s theory of love uses this shape as its model What is a triangle?
#2 The title of Herrnstein and Murray’s 1994 controversial book on the nature/nurture debate in intelligence What is 'The Bell Curve'?
#3 A type of repeated measures research design that ensures that each treatment is presented an equal number of times in each position What is a Latin Square?
#4 The small, membrane covered hole in the cochlea that receives vibrations from the stapes What is the oval window?
#5 Discovered in 1832 by a Swiss chrystallographer, this illusion is probably the most famous multi-stable stimulus What is the Necker Cube?
Final Question
In order to enjoy the smell of potpourri, these receptors would have to be stimulated What are olfactory receptor neurons?