
6th Grade Science Astronomy Answer Key

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Astronomers/Ancient Theories
#1 Which ancient astronomer was the first to develop the geocentric theory? Aristotle
#2 What is the heliocentric theory? The sun is in the center of the solar system. The planets revolve around it.
#3 What theory did Copernicus develop? Heliocentric
#4 Who's ideas did Galileo support? Copernicus
#5 Which astronomer supported Aristotle's ideas? Ptolemy
#1 Why does the moon have more of an influence on tides than the sun? Though the moon is smaller it is much closer. Therefore it has a larger impact on tides than the sun.
#2 How long do tides last? about 6 hours
#3 What are neap tides? Occur when the sun moon and earth are aligned in a triangular shape. The high tides are not as high as the spring tides during this time.
#4 What is a spring tide? How does the sun affect this tide? Occur when the moon, earth and sun are aligned. The high tides are considerably higher during this time. The sun's gravity also pulls on the ocean during this time.
#5 Why do we have tides? Due to the gravitational pull of the moon.
#1 Name the planets in order from the sun Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
#2 How does the size of the planets compare to the sun? The sun is substantially larger than all of the planets combined
#3 What are the inner planets and their characteristics? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. They are small and rocky.
#4 What are the outer planets and their characteristics? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Made of gas and very large.
#5 Why do we experience day and night on earth? The earth spins on its axis every 24 hours causing approximately 12 hours of sunlight on each side.
Moon Phases
#1 When the moon is waxing what does this mean? The part of the moon that is seen from earth increases
#2 What is a new moon? When we cannot see the moon from earth.
#3 What is a waning moon? The part of the moon that is seen from earth appears to be decreasing.
#4 Why can we only see one side of the moon? We can only see one side of the moon because it's revolution is the same rate as the rotation.
#5 Why do we have moon phases? The moon revolves around the earth. The sun shines on different parts of the moon which makes it appear to change shape.
Grab bag
#1 What is revolution? When an object makes an orbit around another object.
#2 What is rotation? When an object spins on an axis.
#3 How long does it take for the earth to complete one revolution? About 365 days.
#4 Why do we have day and night? We have day and night due to the earth spinning on it's axis as it revolves around the sun.
#5 Why do we have seasons? Seasons occur on earth due to the tilt of the earth's axis.
Final Question
Why is the earth a place where plants and animals can live? Goldilocks Zone, Atmosphere, Water in three forms.