

Play This Game

#1 What is the form a word takes to indicate whether the word is singular or plural? NUMBER
#2 What is a word that refers to more than one in number called? PLURAL
#3 What begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun? PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES
#4 What is a word that takes the place of a noun called? PRONOUN
#5 What is the word called to which the pronoun refers? ANTECEDENT
#1 The number of the subject usually is not determined by what? A PHRASE OR CLAUSE
#2 What are 'as well as, along with, together with' called? COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS
#3 When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by or or nor, the verb agrees with what? THE SUBJECT NEARER THE VERB
#4 What should the contractions don't and doesn't agree with in a sentence? THEIR SUBJECTS
#5 What kind of verb does singular subjects joined by or or nor take? SINGULAR
#1 None of the ice cream (was, were) left for me. WAS
#2 Some of the test (is, are) hard. IS
#3 All of the exhibit (is, are) open to the public. IS
#4 Most of his routines (sound, sounds) familiar. SOUND
#5 More of the class (is, are) going to the archaeological dig. IS
#1 No one has offered to let us use (her, their, his or her) home for the department meeting. HIS OR HER
#2 Neither of us (was, were) able to predict the outcome of today's game. WAS
#3 Macroni and cheese (is, are) my favorite dish. IS
#4 Everyone (contribute, contributes) to the alumni association. CONTRIBUTES
#5 Is one of the professors ready to present (their, her) paper? HER
#1 Most parents mistakenly think that mumps (has, have) been eliminated as a childhood disease. HAVE
#2 Both my dog and my cat (has, have) allergies. HAVE
#3 Few of the students (is, are) going to the game right after school. ARE
#4 Several of my students (is, are) going to make an A on their test. ARE
#5 (Was, were) both of the games postponed? WERE
Final Question
What follows a linking verb and renames the subject but does not necessarily with the verb in a sentence? PREDICATE NOMINATIVE