
Ecosystems Review Answer Key

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Parts of an ecosystem
#1 The place that an animal lives is it's habitat
#2 An ecosystem is made up of these two things living and non-living things
#3 An animal that eats other animals carnivore
#4 People can have a good effect on a food web by replacing lost habitat
#5 An animal that eats plants and animals omnivore
Plants in an ecosystem
#1 This is the main source of energy for plants. The sun
#2 How does a plant receive carbon dioxide? Tiny holes in the bottom of the leaf let it in.
#3 Plants produce foods or sugars
#4 Why doesn't photosynthesis take place at night? It needs sunlight.
#5 Plants need three things to make sugars. soil, water, sunlight
Animals in an ecosystem
#1 Because animals get energy from plants and animals they are called consumers
#2 Is a vulture a scavenger? yes
#3 Is a rabbit a scavenger? no
#4 What happens when a plant or animal decomposes? It goes back into the sunlight, water, and, air.
#5 Animals that don't get their energy from plants get it from eating other animals
Food Chains and Webs
#1 All the food chains that are connected in an ecosystem make up a food web
#2 Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores
#3 Animals that eat other dead animals are called scavengers
#4 Predators get their energy by eating other animals/prey
#5 Habitats meet the __________________ of the plants and animals that live there. needs
Omnivore, Carnivore, Herbivore
#1 rabbit herbivore
#2 black bear omnivore
#3 owl carnivore
#4 squirrel herbivore
#5 tiger carnivore
Final Question
Can people hurt and help a food web They can hurt one by polluting or help by planting trees.