
Producers, Consumers, Decomposers Answer Key

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#1 What is a producer? plants, trees, grass
#3 What does an organism need to make its own food? They are important because they provide food and energy to the ecosystem
#5 What is the process called when a producer makes its own food? A consumer is an organism that cannot make its own food
#2 What are the three types of consumers? A herbivore is an organism that only eats plants. A carniovre is an organism that only eats meat. A omnivore is a organism that eats both animals and plants. A scavenger is a carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms.
#4 What do consumers depend on producers for? The producers would all die off and the consumers would not have enough food
#1 What is a decomposer? an organism that breaks down waste and other dead organisms
#2 What happens to the waste that a decomposer breaks down? mushrooms, worms, fungi, bacteria
#4 What are the two major types of decomposers The break down dead material which creates soil and provides nutirents for new things to grow
#1 What is prey? All of the connected and interacting food chains in an ecosystem
#3 What is a food chain? The ability to do work
#5 What is an ecosystem?