
Geometry Jeopardy - 5th grade Answer Key

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Geometric Terms 8.1
#1 An endless set of points extending in both directions. Line
#2 A part of a line that has two endpoints. Line Segment
#3 Two lines in the same plane, but never crossing paths. Parallel Lines
#4 An exact location in space. Point
#5 Two lines that intersect to form a ninety degree angle. Perpendicular Lines
Angles 8.2
#1 The name of a 137 degree angle. Obtuse
#2 The name of a 12 degree angle. Acute
#3 A 180 degree angle. Straight
#4 Instrument used to measure an angle. Protractor
#5 Part of an angle where two rays meet. Vertex
Polygons 8.3
#1 Hearts, Circles, Ovals, and Mazes are all examples of this. Irregular Polygons
#2 a four sided polygon quadrilateral
#3 a five sided polygon pentagon
#4 an six sided polygon hexagon
#5 A polygon with all sides equal length is called a ________ polygon. Regular
Troubling Triangles 8.4
#1 All three angles of any triangle must add up to ______ degrees. 180
#2 A triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees. Obtuse Triangle
#3 A triangle whose sides are all different lengths. Scalene Triangle
#4 A triangle that has all three sides equal length. Equilateral Triangle
#5 At least two of a triangle's angles must be ____________. Acute
Quadrilateral Quandry 8.5
#1 The only quadrilateral that can't have four equal sides. Trapezoid
#2 All 4 angles of a quadrilateral must add up to __________ degrees. 360
#3 A parallelogram with all four sides equal but may or may not have right angles. Rhombus
#4 A parallelogram with four right angles, opposite sides parallel, and all four sides the same length. Square
#5 A quadrilateral that has only one pair of parallel sides. Trapezoid
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