
D.A.R.E. Jeopardy Answer Key

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#1 How many people die from tobacco each year over 400000
#2 How old do you need to be to buy tobacco 18
#3 two places that smoking herts you body and brain
#4 how does chewing tobacco effect mouth and brain and body
#5 How many known piosons are in a ceggeret 200 piosons
Peer presure
#1 True or FalseCan peer presure be good or bad true
#2 Whats friendly peer prssure Good presure
#3 What is heavy peer prssure bulling
#4 What is teasing When some one makes fun of you
#5 Whats indirect tempting tempting you to do some thing you don;t want to do
#1 How many people die from marijuana 400000
#2 How old do you need to be to buy marijuana you can't buy marjuana
#3 Were doe's marijuanana effect you brain and body
#4 What percent of people get cancer 50 to 70 %
#5 What doe's marijuana do to your brian when you smoce it short term memory loss
#1 how old do you need to be to buy Alcohol 21
#2 What % of 8th graders don't drink 84
#3 Were are one place that alcohol signs are found Gasstation
#4 How does alcohol effect you brain and body
#5 Can alcohol effect you True or False True
#1 Should you take drugs with uot your perents knowing no
#2 How do drugs effect your body memory loss
#3 True or False Can drugs be good for you True
#4 Should you take more than recamended amont of drugs no
#5 CAn you die from taking more recamende amont yes
Final Question