
Seasons Moon Phases Tides Answer Key

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#1 Approximately how many high tides are there per day on Earth? 2
#2 What is neap tide? The tide with the smallest tidal range (least difference between high and low tides)
#3 Spring tides occur during which moon phases? new and full moon
#4 How many times a month does spring tide occur? 2
#5 Explain the difference between neap and spring tide. neap-least difference spring- greatest difference neap -first and third quarter gravit y is pulling at right anges to create the least difference in tidal changes on Earth
Moon Phases I
#1 How many moon phases are there? 8
#2 During what phase does a solar eclipse occur? (Hint: When is the moon positioned so that it can get in the way of the sunlight?) new moon
#3 Define waxing. When the light of the moon increases from new to full moon phases.
#4 Using the picture, list the 8 phases of the moon starting at new moon. new, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full, waning gibbous, 3rd quarter, waning crescent
#5 On the white board, draw 8 phases of the moon and label them. Put the sun shining FROM THE RIGHT. white board drawing to be checked by teacher
#1 What is the tilt angle of the earth? 23.5 degrees
#2 What causes seasons? The tilt of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun
#3 What is the difference between earth's rotation and revolution? The earth rotates every 24 hours to give night and day but revolves around the sun in 3651/4 days.
#4 In what seasons would the equinox fall and where would the noon sun be overhead? spring and fall- equator
#5 Name the season in which the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun AND where would you see the noon sun overhead? Summer, Tropic of Cancer
Seasons 2/ Eclipses
#1 What is the name of the first day of spring? vernal equinox
#2 Where is the north pole always pointing? The North Star
#3 When does the antarctic get the least amount of sunshine? summer soltice
#4 During what phase of the moon would a lunar eclipse occur at? (Hint: When is the moon positioned so that the shadow of the Earth can fall across it?) Full moon
#5 During the December Solstice, what part of Earth gets the most sunshine and where would the noon sun be directly overhead? southern hemisphere, Tropic of Capricorn
Moon Phases II
#1 Why do we only see one side of the Moon from Earth? The Earth's gravity is so strong it keeps it facing us
#2 Why does the Moon have phases? Because of the Moon's rotation around the Earth and because it is lit on only one side
#3 What Moon Phase is this? Waxing Gibbous
#4 What Moon Phase follows this one? Waning Crescent
#5 What tide is being experienced during this Moon Phase? Spring Tide
Final Question
What is the name of the first man who walked on the Moon? Neil Armstrong